What Does Dream of Ink Mean?

Dream of Ink Blot

You won't be able to get a job right away because of a particular flaw you have.

Dream of Water Ink

If this symbol occurs to a person who has a disease, they might not be aware that their saliva can spread the virus when they contact whatever another person.

Dream of Tattoo Ink

Your mind frequently replays events that have permanently scarred you.

Dream of Ink Pen

You might be prepared to use an ink pen to leave your mark on the world.

Dream of Ink Bottle

You are about to get your hands dirty with some imaginative and successful effort.

Dream about Ink Spots 

It's possible that you're making an effort to raise your consciousness.

Dream of Parchment Ink

It's possible that you need to tackle your issues differently.

Dream of ink is a portent for mental clarity and tranquility. It's time to let love in and let go of the past. The dream represents the life path and objectives you have.