A past study highlighted the existence of a relationship between the food we eat at night with unsettling dreams. Even today, the perception still exists that the food consumed before bedtime can induce bizarre dreams and nightmares.

The team of ThePleasantDream strived to get some clarity on the relationship between food and unsettling dreams and asked dream analysts, mental health professionals, and psychologists for their insights on the topic.

Here’s what they had to say…

Which food items before bedtime can cause bad dreams?

Aura De Los Santos, Clinical Psychologist & Medical advisor at Health Reporter

Certain foods that contain sugar, spices, milk, cheese, and alcohol can cause bad dreams. Eating such foods raises some bodily conditions that can wake you up in the dream phase of your sleep.

Dr. Nick Bach, Psy.D. – Doctorate of Psychology at Grace Psychological Services

Sugary and fatty foods, along with caffeine-containing beverages, can cause bad dreams. Eating these foods can lead to increased activity in the brain during sleep, which can in turn result in bad dreams.

Matthias Dettmann, a psychologist (M.Sc.), Triple-P Trainer and PMR Coach at Valaros

There are several food items that can potentially cause bad dreams when consumed before bedtime. These include:

  • Heavy or fatty meals: Consuming heavy, greasy, or fatty foods before bedtime can lead to indigestion, which can interfere with sleep and potentially cause bad dreams.
  • Spicy foods: Spicy foods can cause discomfort and increase body temperature, which can potentially affect sleep quality and lead to bad dreams.
  • Sugary foods: Consuming sugary foods before bedtime can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar, which can lead to a surge in energy and potentially cause bad dreams.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol disrupts the natural sleep cycle, and consuming it before bedtime can lead to bad dreams.
  • Caffeine: Consuming caffeine before bedtime can interfere with sleep quality and potentially cause bad dreams.

Ronald Smith, Registered Dietician at Eatdrinkbinge.com

Certain types of food items consumed before bedtime can potentially cause bad dreams or nightmares. These include:

  • Spicy or greasy foods: These can cause indigestion, which can disrupt sleep and lead to vivid dreams.
  • Foods high in sugar: Eating foods high in sugar before bed can cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash during the night, potentially leading to nightmares.
  • Cheese: Some types of cheese, particularly aged or blue cheese, contain tyramine, which can cause headaches and potentially lead to nightmares.
  • Alcohol: While alcohol may initially help with falling asleep, it can disrupt REM sleep and lead to more vivid dreams.
  • Caffeine: Consuming caffeine before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep and may cause restless, anxious dreams.

Dr. Ketan Parmar, a Psychiatrist and mental health expert at ClinicSpots

Eating certain foods before bedtime can cause bad dreams, nightmares, and other bizarre dream experiences.

Some of the common food items that are known to increase the chances of such dreams include cheese, spicy food, sugar-rich snacks, and processed foods.

Does eating cheese really induce nightmares?

Aura De Los Santos, Clinical Psychologist & Medical advisor at Health Reporter

Eating cheese may induce nightmares in certain people because of its bacterial and fungal content, which can disrupt your brain working while you sleep.

Dr. Nick Bach, Psy.D. – Doctorate of Psychology at Grace Psychological Services

Cheese is often said to be a sleep-inducing food, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

However, eating cheese before bedtime might make you more likely to have nightmares. This is because cheese contains a compound called tyramine, which can increase brain activity during sleep and lead to nightmare formation.

Matthias Dettmann, a psychologist (M.Sc.), Triple-P Trainer and PMR Coach at Valaros

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that eating cheese causes nightmares.

While it is true that some people have reported experiencing vivid dreams or nightmares after consuming cheese, this may be due to factors other than the cheese itself.

For example, cheese is often consumed in the evening, which is also when the brain is most active during the REM stage of sleep when most dreaming occurs.

Additionally, certain types of cheese contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is known to promote sleep and may lead to more vivid dreams.

However, the evidence linking cheese specifically to nightmares is inconclusive and varies from person to person.

Ronald Smith, Registered Dietician at Eatdrinkbinge.com

I can suggest that eating cheese before bed could potentially increase the likelihood of having nightmares. This is because some types of cheese, particularly aged or blue cheese, contain the amino acid tyramine, which can increase the production of the neurotransmitter norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine can stimulate the brain and potentially lead to more vivid dreams, including nightmares. However, not everyone who eats cheese before bed will necessarily experience nightmares, as this can vary from person to person.

Dr. Ketan Parmar, a Psychiatrist and mental health expert at ClinicSpots

Cheese has been linked with nightmares for quite some time now. It is believed that eating cheese before going to sleep brings about an increased chance of having a nightmare or a very vivid dream experience.

The reason for this is unclear, but it could be related to the presence of tyramine in some types of cheese, which may disrupt your sleep patterns and cause you to have more intense dreaming experiences.

Does eating spicy food give rise to bizarre dreams in people?

Aura De Los Santos, Clinical Psychologist & Medical advisor at Health Reporter

The heat generated by spicy food changes the body’s temperature, which further changes brain activity and dream formation. This can lead some people to experience bizarre or unusual dreams.

Dr. Nick Bach, Psy.D. – Doctorate of Psychology at Grace Psychological Services

Spicy food may not directly cause bizarre dreams, but it can certainly produce some unpleasant side effects that could potentially disturb your sleep.

For example, spicy food can cause heartburn and indigestion, which can lead to restless sleep and nightmares.

Matthias Dettmann, a psychologist (M.Sc.), Triple-P Trainer and PMR Coach at valaros.com

Spicy food can potentially cause discomfort and increase body temperature, which can lead to disrupted sleep and potentially bizarre dreams in some people.

Eating spicy food before bed can also cause acid reflux or heartburn, which can further disrupt sleep and potentially lead to unusual or vivid dreams.

However, it’s important to note that not everyone is affected by spicy food in the same way, and some individuals may not experience any changes in their dreams after consuming spicy food.

Additionally, other factors like stress, medication, and pre-existing sleep disorders can also influence the nature of dreams.

Ronald Smith, Registered Dietician at Eatdrinkbinge.com

Eating spicy food before bed can potentially disrupt sleep and lead to more vivid or bizarre dreams in some people. This is because spicy foods can cause indigestion and acid reflux, which can cause discomfort and awakenings during the night.

When the sleep cycle is disrupted, there is a greater chance of experiencing vivid dreams or nightmares. Not everyone who eats spicy food before bed will necessarily experience bizarre dreams, as this can vary from person to person.

Dr. Ketan Parmar, a Psychiatrist and mental health expert at ClinicSpots

Spicy food has also been traditionally believed to cause dreaming disturbances. It is thought that eating spicy foods can throw off your body’s natural balance, leading to an increased likelihood of having vivid or strange dreams.

Additionally, the presence of capsaicin in chili peppers and other spices may trigger a release of endorphins, which could make for more intense dream experiences.

What type of food should one avoid to reduce the chances of getting bizarre dreams & nightmares?

Aura De Los Santos, Clinical Psychologist & Medical advisor at Health Reporter

Eating any food in higher quantities right before bedtime should be avoided to prevent disrupting your sleep and having bad dreams.

Food increases metabolism and keeps your brain active, which becomes a potential reason for having nightmares. Therefore, it’s better to have your dinner at least two to three hours before your sleep time.

A heavy meal packed with carbohydrate and spicy foods should be especially avoided as they raise body temperature and keep the brain and digestive system busy, resulting in bad dreams.

Dr. Nick Bach, Psy.D. – Doctorate of Psychology at Grace Psychological Services

To reduce the chances of getting bizarre dreams and nightmares, avoid eating sugary, fatty, or spicy foods before bedtime. If you must eat something before going to sleep, try a small snack that is high in protein and low in sugar.

Matthias Dettmann, a psychologist (M.Sc.), Triple-P Trainer and PMR Coach at Valaros

It is recommended to avoid heavy, high-sugar, and processed foods to reduce bizarre dreams and nightmares before bedtime.

Instead, one should consume light meals that are rich in nutrients and fiber. It is also advisable to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine before sleep, as they can interfere with sleep quality and lead to vivid dreams.

Ronald Smith, Registered Dietician at Eatdrinkbinge.com

Avoid consuming certain types of food before bed. These include:

  • Spicy or greasy foods: These can cause indigestion and disrupt sleep.
  • Foods high in sugar: Eating foods high in sugar before bed can cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash during the night, potentially leading to nightmares.
  • Cheese: Some types of cheese, particularly aged or blue cheese, contain tyramine, which can potentially lead to nightmares.
  • Alcohol: While alcohol may initially help with falling asleep, it can disrupt REM sleep and lead to more vivid dreams.
  • Caffeine: Consuming caffeine before bed can make it difficult to fall asleep and may cause restless, anxious dreams.

Dr. Ketan Parmar, a Psychiatrist and mental health expert at ClinicSpots

In order to reduce the chances of having bad dreams and nightmares, it is recommended that you avoid eating certain types of food before bedtime. These include sugary snacks, processed foods, and artificial sweeteners.

Additionally, it is best to avoid eating cheese or spicy food at least an hour before bedtime, as both of these have been linked to increased dream activity. Avoiding caffeine and alcohol can also be beneficial if you are trying to reduce your chances of having nightmares or vivid dreams.

Closing Thoughts

Most experts seem to agree that certain food before bedtime can lead to nightmares and bizarre dreams.

However, they have also pointed out this may not be true for every individual as the dreams we get are also dependent on other factors like stress, sleep disorders, and certain bedtime habits.

While cheese has been attributed to causing increased brain activity due to the presence of tyramine, spicy food has also been linked with nightmares, as it can disrupt the sleep cycle as a result of indigestion.

If you are someone who wants to experience more sound sleep and pleasant dreams, then we encourage you to avoid the above-mentioned food items at night.