A dream of football, especially of scoring a goal just when you thought you were losing the match will leave you excited – during the dream as well as upon waking.

But after you regain consciousness, you’d begin to ponder upon the symbolism of the dream!

Here, we have gathered all the information associated with football-related dreams.

Dream of Football - Various Plots And Their Interpretations
Dream of Football – Various Plots And Their Interpretations

What Does it Mean to Dream of Football?

This dream scenario shows your competitiveness and your desire to prove yourself in front of others. 

Depending on the plot, it may also reflect your manipulative nature or someone giving you a hard time. Positively, footballs symbolize your generosity, loyalty, and commitment toward your loved ones. 

Most importantly, the accurate meaning is determined by a couple of deciding factors such as the role you played in the dream. 

However, listed below are some of the most common reasons why football dreams happen in the first place. 

  • Struggle to gain power in a situation

It shows you are trying hard to gain or retrieve back power in a certain matter. This is the meaning of your dream if you see yourself standing on a football field all alone. 

  • Success and failure

It can signify your happy, contented state after accomplishing your goals. 

However, since any sport is about one side winning and its counterpart losing, such a dream can also reflect failure, envious feelings over others’ accomplishments, and an unhealthy obsession to show your potential and prove your worth. 

  • You are being manipulative

Some dreams associated with football hint at your manipulative nature. Also, you may have such visions if you are deliberately giving others, especially your subordinates a hard time.

The same dream may occur if you are presently struggling under an authoritative figure who’s making life extremely hard for you. 

  • Your competitiveness

Often these dreams bring out your competitive side. You long to be the winner in life’s every test. So, when you fail, you can’t help but get envious of the winner. 

Furthermore, the dream shows you long to impress people with your skills. 

  • Confidence

It is also associated with confidence or a lack of confidence depending on the scenario. 

  • Generosity

This may also be a reflection of your generosity towards others. You are not only committed to your loved ones but also often empathize with others that are not close to you. 

  • False friends

Sometimes, this scenario may be a warning from your subconscious to be wary of those who called themselves your ‘friends’.

Not everyone who says they are your friend is actually one. So, you need to be careful while choosing who you confide your personal information with. 

  • You are open to learning new things

This reflects your openness and enthusiasm to learn new things in life. You believe one should always be a learner to excel in life. And the dream is a sign of your receptiveness. 

Spiritual Meaning of Football Dreams

Soccer, or any other outdoor sport, is not meant for physically weak individuals. Even if these people get involved with such physically demanding sports, they do not go very far.

From that perspective, a football dream shows you wish to get stronger and fitter – physically, mentally as well as emotionally. 

Dream of Football – Various Plots And Their Interpretations

The scenarios below may help you gain insight into your dream. Do keep in mind that the activities within the dream, your position, and the emotions felt within are crucial for an accurate dream meaning. 

Dream of A football match/football game

This shows someone, an authoritative male figure, most likely, is giving you a hard time telling you what to do and what not to do.

On the flip side, it may be your subconscious telling you that you are unnecessarily putting too much pressure on those around you. 

A football team

The plot hints at the presence of haters in and around your circle. These people would go the extra mile to cause you damage without any hesitation. 

Expect the number to grow as you become more successful. But remind yourself to be on your time, especially when you are around the likes of them. 

Watching a football match

It is a good sign. It shows you are open to learning new things in life. 

The plot says you look up to others, take inspiration from them, and follow in their footpath to become a better person. 

Watching football on TV

This dream is closely related to an illness.

Unfortunately, because of your poor health condition, you may lose your job and be put at a disadvantage in several aspects of your life.

However, the dream says you can, in fact, try to utilize this period to take a much-needed break. 

Others relate the above plot to a surprise concerning one of your friends.

In this instance, even if you believe your friend needs your help, you are advised to step back and turn a blind eye. Unless you want to embarrass yourself. 

Another approach to the dream relates the plot to a trip. 

Watching others play football

According to the plot, you are envious of a friend’s accomplishments. 

Your favorite team scoring a touchdown

According to the plot you are really proud of your achievements. 

Dribbling a football

It won’t be easy to decode this particular dream. Because it may stand for something positive or negative depending on your situations in real life and the events that take place in the dream. 

But in a broad sense, the plot is a harbinger of a piece of news coming your way. 

Kicking a football

The dream shows your confidence in yourself and your abilities. 

As per the dream, you are not someone that is easily influenced. You do not hesitate to speak your mind and let others know your views and opinions. 

Alternatively, it denotes you need to be accountable for your actions and decisions in the waking world. 

Playing football

The scenario is related to your wishes to prove yourself in front of others.

At other times, playing football means you will receive money out of the blue. 

Being the coach of a football team and playing football

In case you dream of being a coach and playing football, the plot hints at a promotion

Missing a goal in a football match

This dream signifies you’d go up the ladder but fall flat just when you thought you had reached the top.

Scoring goals in a football match

To begin with, the scenario shows there are many things you would like to accomplish. 

From that perspective, scoring multiple goals indicates you would be able to fulfill your wishes one by one in due time. 

Playing defensively

The plot stands for the need to keep your negative thoughts at bay. 

Winning a football match 

This is closely related to success, especially in your professional life.

Losing a football match

Generally, this dream is a sign of failure, especially in the professional domain. 

Having said that, you should consider how you perceive failure in the waking world.

Because oftentimes, it is regarded as the stepping stone to success – an experience through which you can grow and get better. 

Wearing a football shirt

It is a sign of good luck. As per the plot, there’d be several improvements in different domains of your life. 

A football stadium

A football stadium emphasizes the need to take a break from your hectic life schedule. 

Most likely, you are stuck in a life pattern that’s sucking the soul out of you. 

Football field

You can interpret this scenario in two different ways. The first has to do with your finance. The plot says your financial situation will improve drastically. 

Negatively, a football field stands for the struggle you are currently undergoing to get leverage in a particular situation. 

Running through a football field

It’s possible that you have lost clarity and direction in life if you had this dream.

Buying a football

This is symbolic of your generosity and kind-heartedness. 

On the other hand, it may be your subconscious advising you to patch up with your friend if you had fallen out with any lately. 

Receiving a football as a gift

This is a reflection of your loyalty and commitment to your friends. 

Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation Of A Football Dream

According to the theories of Sigmund Freud, playing football in a dream shows you are suppressing your sexual discrepancy in your waking life.


Football dreams may carry positive or negative connotations depending on the details and the overall emotions.

However, remember, no dream happens to scare or confuse the dreamer. Instead, they happen to let the dreamer be aware of the events and happenings that have either been ignored or overlooked.