A rhino in a dream symbolizes wisdom, authority, deception, strength, gentleness, freedom, changes and growth. 

It shows that some positive or negative events are about to happen in your life. Hence, it is a sign for you to stay alert and be prepared for it.

Rhino Dream Meaning - Various Scenarios & Their Interpretations
Rhino Dream Meaning – Various Scenarios & Their Interpretations

Rhino Dream Meaning – General Interpretations

Rhinoceros are paradoxical animals. That is, they are gentle but can also choose to be aggressive. Besides, these animals are a symbol of wisdom, comfort, authority, and freedom. 

So, are you wondering why do we dream about a rhino? If rhinos are frequently appearing in your dreams, it means it’s time to prepare for your future.

More likely, some positive or negative events are about to happen in your life. Hence, it is a sign for you to stay alert.

Rhino’s dreams can have different meanings and interpretations. Some core emotions related to it are deception, gentleness, and strength. Listed below are some core emotions related to rhino dreams.


From the outside, the rhinoceros looks to be a very powerful and dangerous animal. But in reality, they are very peace-loving, kind, and grounded animals.

In fact, they rarely attack other animals and feed on herbs and plants.

This is why rhino dreams can often mislead you. So, to understand the symbolism of rhino in your life, try to look beyond its displayed traits and characteristics.


Rhinoceros weighs between 1000-2500 kilograms and has a height of around 5-6 feet. This means that rhinos have a lot of strength and symbolize the same for us.


As stated earlier, Rhinoceros are strong yet gentle animals. Just because they have power does not mean they believe in violence.

So, rhino dreams symbolize that we should be humble and not dominate people who are weaker than us.

Spiritual Meaning of Rhino in a Dream

Spiritually, a rhino is a symbol of illumination, spiritual awareness, and has a connection with divine energy.

The appearance of a rhino in your dreams opens a path through the veils of uncertainty and bewilderment and helps one to move towards the light of awareness and become an awakened being.

It is said that rhinos’ horns have the power to make you feel, think, and love deeply. Touching a rhino horn can unveil visions that can help to make decisions in life which will allow you to achieve all the goals of your life.

Now, with a basic idea of the dream, it’s time to find out its specific connotations. So, without further ado, let’s understand some interesting and symbolic meanings related to rhino dreams.

Rhino in Dream – Common Scenarios & Their Meanings

To interpret rhino dreams properly, it is important to investigate the overall context in which a dream occurs as well as other details that come with it.

So, here we go –

Dream Rhino Chasing Me

If you are chased by a rhino in your dreams, it means you will have to deal with tasks that you are trying to delay for quite some time. Do not delay the task any further or else be ready to face its consequences.

Alternatively, this dream represents that you are scared to face the truth. Perhaps, you are scared to take the big step into your future because you feel it’s better to run away than to face it.

Dream of a Dead Rhino

Dream of a dead rhino can suggest you are about to go through a major change in life. It might be difficult for you to undertake the change in the beginning but with time everything will be fine.

On the other hand, the dream of a dead rhino can also be a symbol of giving up. It suggests you are ready to give up all your future hopes and plans.

Dream about an Angry Rhino

It is a good sign. So, if you are dreaming about an angry rhinoceros, it is indicating that all the problems you are struggling with are about to come to an end.

An angry rhino is a symbol of bravery and strength. Thus, the rage of Rhino indicates you believe in yourself and can deal with all the challenges in your life.  

Baby Rhino in a Dream

Baby rhino represents growth and improvement. It means you might not be doing much in your life but with time you will grow and become stronger.

Contrarily, a baby rhino in your dream can also mean you need to control or dominate the people in your surroundings. So, use the power in the right direction so that other people can accept you.

Giant Rhino

If you are dreaming of a giant rhino then it means your worst fear is about to come true. It means that you continuously worry about your actions, and it is eating you from inside.

This dream suggests that worrying won’t do you any good. So be grateful for what you have and appreciate the people and things in your surroundings. 

Rhino in the Water

A dream of a rhino standing in the water expresses your greed and envy. It shows you tend to compare yourself with others which can land you in trouble.

On the contrary, this dream can also suggest that there is someone out there who wants to make your life miserable. So, keep your eyes open, and don’t let others demean you. 

Dream of a Hornless Rhino

The dream of rhinos without a horn is a warning sign of upcoming emotional turbulence in your life.

This dream indicates that you might get into a heated argument with either your close friend or family members. So, try to keep your temper in check and don’t act on impulse.

Hornless Rhino can also mean you are very weak and don’t have any weapon to defend yourself against bad things. Stand up for yourself and don’t let others manipulate you.

Dream of a Rhino with a Horn

It is a symbol of discipline and structure in your life. This dream represents your confidence and your attitude that you give your best at everything you do.

Alternatively, this dream can also mean you are becoming spiritual or having religious experiences. You feel you have reached a new phase in your life and it’s time to start all over again.

Rhino Bite Dream Meaning

If a rhino attacks or bites you in a dream, it indicates your potential to overcome the doubts that are troubling you during the waking hours. By overcoming your doubts, you will be able to fulfill all your wishes.

Dream of Feeding a Rhino

If you are feeding a rhino in your dream, it means you will be able to solve problems more easily than you thought. For example, you were trying to put off something because it will take too much of your time. But once you start working on it, it will be done faster than you could have imagined.

Dream of Riding a Rhino

As it has been said earlier, rhinos are a symbol of authority. So, if you find yourself riding a rhino in a dream, it means you will have to persuade your parents or boss to allow you to do something you wanted to for a long time.

Killing a Rhino in a Dream

It is symbolic of upcoming challenges you are going to face in your life. There will be certain instances in your life where your patience and temper will be tested.

An alternate meaning of killing a rhino in a dream can be that you will disappoint and lose a very close friend forever.

Hunting a Rhino

It suggests you will meet someone who will aid you in solving some problems. You will get closer to that person and once they see you as a friend, you will ask for their help.

Rhino Attacking Someone Else

It means you will help a friend to solve their problems or finish a task. You will make sure to help them as much as possible and that friend will be forever grateful to you.

Dream of a Rhino in a Zoo

It means you will charm someone who will help you to achieve your goals. Alternatively, it can mean someone will offer you business collaboration.

Struck by a Rhino’s Horn

If you are struck by a Rhino’s horn in a dream, it means you will have to go through some painful situations. But these situations will only make you stronger.

Dream of Being Chased by a Giant Rhino

It indicates you want to escape something. For example, you feel stuck in your job in real life and want to leave it. 

Rhino Rampaging

When you find a rhino rampaging in your dream, it is an indication of bad luck. This dream suggests that owing to mental stress, you are doing poorly in your studies or at the workplace. 

Dream of Rhino Fighting

If two rhinos are fighting in your dream, it can mean you will have a big fight with your family in the coming days.

Besides, it might suggest conflicts in your personal, professional, or social life. So, you should stay calm and deal with family issues with a cool mind.

Rhino Dying Slowly

It is not a good sign. It is usually a representation of one’s physical weakness.

Perhaps, you will suffer from health issues in the coming days. Alternatively, someone close to you might die.

Dream of a Rhino Struggling for Life

It implies you will have to confront unpleasant events in the future. For example, you want to break up with your long-time partner or a toxic friend but don’t know how to do it.  

Rhino Walking

When you find a rhino walking in your dream, it means all your worries and troubles are about to end. Alternatively, it can mean you will enjoy good health in the coming days. 

Dream of Rhino of Various Colors

White Rhino Dream Meaning

It symbolizes new chances and possibilities. It suggests you will get a lot of opportunities in your life and that your life will get better.

On the contrary, it can mean you lack confidence in your life. This dream wants to remind you to have faith in yourself, show more courage in your ventures and do your best.

Black Rhino

Black rhinos have two alternate meanings. In the first case, the black rhino represents your ambition and motivation.

In the second case, black rhinos represent change or transformation. Perhaps, everything is going wrong in your real life and it’s time that you change the direction of your efforts if you want to achieve positive results.

Blue Rhino

It indicates your unpredictable life. It can mean you are feeling stuck and searching for someone to protect you in one of the areas of your life.

Blue rhino can also denote aggression. You must talk to someone about the difficulties or hardships you are facing in your life.

Sometimes, the blue rhino in your dream can also refer to your legacy and how you want to be remembered by others.

Final Words

Rhino dreams hold quite a significant meaning in your dreams. So, do not ignore them. Instead, try to understand the hidden reasons behind these dreams.

This will help you in seeing the world around you from a new perspective. Also, to listen to your inner self better.

If you get dreams about warthog then check its meaning here.