Anyone can encounter a dream motorcycle anytime – regardless of age and gender. In the dream world, the vehicle is symbolic of freedom, adventure, and fun. 

Having said that, a dream about a motorcycle can carry various other meanings depending on the details and your real-life circumstances. 

Dream Motorcycle - Different Plots & Their Meanings
Dream Motorcycle – Different Plots & Their Meanings

What Does A Dream Of A Motorcycle Mean?

Motorcycle dreams are usually symbolic of a thirst for freedom, flexibility, and progression. But some scenarios may stand for the repentance of your past deeds.

Since the vehicle is related to the spirit of adventure, in reality, a dream of a motorcycle generally indicates love or a longing to be freed in the waking world. 

These types of scenarios are also closely connected to growth and expansion – on the personal as well as professional fronts. 

From another approach, a motorcycle in a dream also stands for your rebellious nature. Such is the meaning of your dream if you detest going by others’ wishes. 

Motorcycle Dream Meaning: Dream Symbols


Unlike cars, buses, and other vehicles, motorcycles are often related to freedom, adventure, and fun. 

From that point of view, a motorcycle dream is a reflection of the freedom and independence you are presently enjoying. 

If at present, you feel confined in your waking life, the scenario foretells you will soon be able to experience your fair share of liberty. 

Soon, you will be able to act according to your own will. 

Such a scenario can also happen if you have finally managed to come out of your bubble and showcase your potential to the world. 

Flexibility and progression

Often, the vehicle is symbolic of progression in the dream world. While cars and buses tend to get stuck in road traffic, a motorcycle can change paths and squeeze through towards the desired destination. 

Likewise, a motorcycle in the dream world indicates you have the potential to make adjustments to your plans and strategies, wherever necessary, ultimately leading you to your goals. 

Dream Motorcycle: Various Dream Plots

To dream of a motorcycle

Have you dreamt of a motorcycle without any additional details? 

What can be the significance of the dream? In the first place, the scenario appeared in your dream because you have committed some reckless deeds in the past. 

Back then, you went against the advice of others and acted according to your whims and fancies only to regret, hoping you can turn back time and follow the advice of your loved ones. 

Because according to the plot, your actions have backfired and you are on the brink of getting into a series of troubles.

A dream of seeing a motorcycle

Generally, a dream of seeing a motorcycle is associated with the concept of freedom and emotional balance. 

The interpretation is especially true if you dream of a red or white bike. 

For an in-depth meaning of the scenario, you must recall the exact color you dreamt of and approach the plot accordingly. 

To dream of selling a motorcycle

Selling a motorcycle in a dream signifies positive changes. There’s a possibility that you have been an immature and unruly person for most parts of your life. 

But now, you have become a lot more mature and are no longer the same person who did not think twice before acting. 

The said changes might have been the result of your acquaintanceship with someone. Gradually, that person will come to occupy a great place in your life. 

A dream of buying a motorcycle

If you ever dream of buying a motorcycle, you need to recall the condition of the bike. 

If it was in a good state, the plot is a reflection of your stable life. 

On the flip side, if it was defective, the dream is associated with humiliation. 

Traveling by motorcycle in a dream

The scenario is a reflection of your desire to explore the nooks and crannies of the world. 

Usually, travel in the dream world is associated with airplanes, or trains, in some instances. So, what can be the connection between traveling and the motorcycle in your dream?

Well, the scenario indicates you want to explore the beauties of the world not via any other means of transport other than a motorbike. 

Additionally, the dream denotes that now might be the right time to breathe life into your dreams – take travels, meet new people and experience new culture and heritage. 

A dream about riding a motorcycle/dream interpretation of riding a motorcycle

You can approach the scenario from various perspectives. The most common being that you yearn for freedom and adventure in your waking life. 

If you have been stuck in an extremely well-structured or routine life, the plot can be a message from your higher self to engage in some fun and adventure. 

Another approach to the plot reflects your willingness to change a few or several aspects of yourself and your life. 

Negatively, riding a motorcycle also reflects your wish to flee from certain problems, situations, and responsibilities. But for how long will you be able to run away from them? Sooner or later, you are bound to go back to them so why not face them now and live stress-free!

A dream of riding a bike without wearing a helmet

The scenario represents your careless behavior which often exposes your life to accidents and misfortunes. 

On the other hand, the scenario represents your rebellious nature. You dislike taking orders and hate living under the influence of others.

Instead, you yearn for freedom and in your pursuit of the so-called independence, end up taking risks. Your behaviors often cause your loved ones to worry about your safety and life. 

Because they wish you well, they will try to talk you out of such behaviors but in vain – you are a born rebel. 

To dream of riding a motorcycle drunk

To dream about riding a motorbike under the influence of alcohol denotes you feel overwhelmed by responsibilities and obligations. While self-reliance is admirable, you have to know when to ask for help. 

If you drag on in the same manner, trying to be everywhere, doing multiple things simultaneously, you might end up jeopardizing your physical as well as mental health. 

Instead, your subconscious suggests reaching out to reliable family or friends. 

Dreaming of riding a motorcycle with someone

Having a dream of riding a motorcycle with someone is symbolic of the happy and harmonious relationship that exists between the two of you. 

To dream about riding a motorcycle with a partner

Riding a motorcycle with your partner in a dream signifies a stable and harmonious relationship between the two of you. 

Furthermore, the plot shows how impossible it is for you to imagine a life without him or her. 

Dreaming of other people riding a motorcycle

Having a dream of seeing someone else ride a motorcycle means you desire to make certain changes in your life. However, you are unable to take a step forward because you need help and support from others to make those changes happen. 

It may have to do with finance though not limited to. Perhaps you want someone’s guidance to help you choose the right career. 

A dream of being on the passenger seat on a motorcycle

The scenario can be interpreted from two different perspectives. 

In the first instance, the dream shows you are losing control and power over your own life. 

On the other hand, the plot reflects a pleasant time in the company of people you barely know.

Perhaps you will get invited to the birthday party of someone you just met. Despite being new to the crew, the scenario foretells you will have a great time with the people you met there. 

A dream of hitching a bike ride

In a broad sense, the dream is symbolic of mutual trust and understanding. The interpretation is especially true if the person who gave you a ride in the dream happens to be someone who genuinely cares for you in reality. 

Dreaming about getting your motorcycle stolen

The plot reflects the ill feelings of people around you. The dream hints at the possibility of others feeling envious of your accomplishment to the point of having a desire to harm you. 

If that resonates, you need to be extremely cautious of who you are mingling with in your circle. 

A dream about stealing a bike

The bike you stole in the dream symbolizes negative feelings and emotions about others you have been stacking on such as hatred, revenge, jealousy, obsession, and a desire to have full control over others. 

Dreaming of watching a motorcycle race

According to the plot, you want to leave your past events behind and move on. However, your actions say otherwise. 

Despite your wishes, you seem to have not made an effort to move ahead. The dream might be your subconscious mind advising you to be clear of what you really want. If you long for progression, it’s high time you pull up your sleeves and start working on it. 

To dream of participating in a motorcycle race

Based on the plot, you tend to neglect the responsibilities for mistakes you committed. 

In some worst cases, you even try to dump them onto someone else or blame him or her altogether. 

Dreaming of someone chasing you on a motorcycle

To dream of someone chasing you on a motorcycle means you have the habit of running away from problems after you create them hoping someone else would step up to resolve them. 

Dreaming of a broken motorcycle

To dream of a broken motorcycle is your subconscious advising you to be less rigid and more flexible with other people, your feelings, and your emotions. 

Falling off a motorcycle in a dream

A dream of falling off a motorcycle signifies you are still thinking of a recent failure or mistake. 

You bombard your mind with a series of ‘what ifs’. The dream might be telling you to move on from those mistakes. There is no use crying over spilled milk. Instead, reflect on your mistakes and figure out what you can learn from them. 

To dream of someone else falling off a motorcycle

The dream stands for a potential conflict with a stubborn individual. Despite you admitting your mistakes and apologizing, he or she will refuse to listen to you. 

A dream about motorcycle crash

A motorcycle crash symbolizes conflicts between you and other people. It could be family members, friends, colleagues, or life partners. 

Repairing a motorcycle in a dream

Based on the plot, you will come across a series of trials and tribulations while putting one of your goals into action.

Your subconscious advises you to seize the day and act on them fast – the sooner, the better. Otherwise, they will keep on piling up making things extremely difficult for you later. 

Dreaming of a white motorcycle

White motorcycle in the dream world is associated with wise decisions. In the past, you have been very careful in picking your choices. So far, your decisions have borne wonderful outcomes. 

Your subconscious encourages you to continue making such good choices. 

Dreaming of a black motorcycle

To dream of a black motorcycle means you are careful of your choices and actions.

You tend to analyze a matter from several different perspectives before making a decision. 

A red motorcycle in a dream

Often, a red motorcycle in the dream world reflects your desire for excessive freedom. 

A dream of a fast motorbike

A motorbike that travels at high speed is symbolic of your impatience. You have the tendency of rushing things for faster results. 

However, the dream warns you against it. As the saying goes, ‘Easy come easy go’- Making hasty decisions, not being thorough, and rushing through the process will never yield impressive results. 

Spiritual Meaning Of Riding A Motorcycle In A Dream

From the spiritual perspective, a dream about riding a motorcycle with another person speaks of the stable relationship you have with that particular person. 

Motorcycle Dream Meaning: Possible Reasons Behind Your Dreams

Some of the most common reasons why you dream of a motorcycle are –

  1. You love and prefer motorbikes over all the vehicles.
  2. You recently rode one.
  3. It may also mean you participated in some racing competition. 
  4. You yearn to be independent without anything getting in your way. 
  5. A dream of a motorcycle may stand for your carelessness.
  6. You are rebellious by nature. 

If you can relate to the above three points, you need not decipher your dream further. Possibly, they are nothing but your mind reliving the memories and events that happened in the real world. 

A Few Questions You Must Ask Yourself If You Dream Of Motorcycle

If you dream of a motorcycle, make sure you ask these few questions to yourself before you start decoding the plot.

  1. What is your association with motorcycles in waking life?
  2. Were you driving or were you in the passenger seat?
  3. Recall the condition of the motorcycle and the color as well.
  4. Were you alone or was someone with you?
  5. How did you feel during and after the dream? Note each of the emotions you experience. 


With that, we wrapped up the web post on dream motorcycle or dream of motorcycles. To sum up, motorcycles in dreams may carry either positive or negative connotations. For an accurate meaning, you need to be honest with yourself throughout the process of dream interpretation.