What does a dream of a kite signify? Because all of us can relate to kites to some extent as they were a part of our precious childhood days. 

They remind us of innocence and a life devoid of stress. 

Therefore, in this article, we’ll take you through some of the most common kite dream meanings and the reason why they showed up!

Dream Of Kite - You’ll Soon Get Freedom From Your Problems
Dream Of Kite – You’ll Soon Get Freedom From Your Problems

What Does Dream of Kite Means?

In the dream world, kites can be interpreted in various ways. 

  • This dream symbolizes freedom, independence, goals, and aspirations. It may also mean you feel like you are on top of the world. 
  • It may stand for a lack of freedom in your waking world. That is not to say someone or something holds you back from being you against your will. You yourself could be the sole reason behind your lack of independence. 
  • Kites may also be your subconscious trying to tell you that you still need to work hard and go a long way before you realize your goals. 

Spiritual Meaning Of Kite Dreams

From the spiritual point of view, kites symbolize accomplishing goals. If the dream leaves you happy, it means you will achieve success in due time. 

Psychological Meaning Of Kite

Just as kites follow the direction of the wind, a dream of a kite, especially of flying shows you have the knowledge and the potential to pursue your dreams and desires. 

Dream about Kites – Various Scenarios & Their Interpretations

The scenarios listed below may not give the exact answer to your dream but they will certainly give you direction on how to approach your dream. 

To dream of seeing a kite

Generally, seeing a kite indicates the realization of your goals. 

How high the kite flies may tell you how much more you should wait to achieve victory. 

If it was at a low altitude, it means you will soon accomplish your dreams. On the contrary, if it was sky high, it means you still have a long way to go. 

Also, the scenario relates with your ambitiousness. 

Seeing many kites in a dream

This is often related to hope, the accomplishment of goals, and good fortune. 

Nonetheless, the dream comes with a warning too! Whether you reach your goals or not, always stay humble. Don’t let success get into your head. 

To see a large kite in a dream

This is a warning from your subconscious. Be wary of people around you because many are looking for opportunities to harm you.

Making a kite

If you are currently going through any complicated situation, the dream implies you will resolve it sooner than you expect.

Alternatively, it may also mean you are dealing with an issue that seems too overwhelming.

While that may be true, your dream wants to let you know that the path will get easier in due time, once you get the hang of it. 

The plot is also associated with offers that do not promise much growth. 

Watching a kite fly high in the sky

The above is a sign of a missed opportunity. 

Flying kite

Flying a kite has both positive and negative connotations.

It means you need to make sacrifices to achieve your goals. Also, you must recall how high you flew a kite as it reflects your real-life frustration. 

The higher the kite, the more your dissatisfaction in the real world is or would be. The plot also emphasizes the need to take control and make your own decisions. 

At other times, the dream is your subconscious warning you to stay humble and not to live beyond your means. 

Flying kite get cut off 

If the kite gets cut off abruptly, the plot symbolizes failures. 

Flying kites with children 

The dream scenario reflects your contentment in the waking world. 

From another approach, the scenario shows you need to take situations and matters less seriously. 

A child flying a kite

This often points to unresolved issues that keep haunting you time and time again. 

This interpretation applies if the child present in the dream is someone else’s. 

Holding a kite

It is an auspicious sign, especially from a financial point of view. Your hard work will pay off and you will be able to reap the benefits of your efforts.

Catching a kite 

The dream stands for new opportunities and fresh beginnings. 

From another point of view, the vision shows you still have miles to go before achieving your goals. 

Additionally, the dream advises you not to let your guards down as you are prone to unforeseen obstacles and complications around this time. 

Chasing a kite

It shows you are a submissive person. You rely heavily on others’ ideas and opinions, often ignoring your own. 

A kite caught in a tree

The plot symbolizes obstacles on your path. You might be feeling stuck and unable to progress in some areas of your life. 

If that resonates, now might be an ideal time to reevaluate your circumstances and make strategic plans to tackle them effectively. 

A torn kite

In all likelihood, you are presently feeling hopeless and frustrated regarding your future. Things might not have worked out according to your plans. 

Seeing a kite string

This is a positive sign. You are walking on the right path and are well in control of your life.

Chances are, you have been reaching milestones in recent times and the dream says you will progress in the same manner if you keep walking forward with that mindset. 

Seeing paper kites

Paper kites symbolize wishes you need to fulfill. 

You failed to fly a kite

In case you are planning to start a venture, the dream shows you won’t be able to profit much due to obstacles. 

Kite tearing 

It means problematic days are ahead. Unexpected issues may crop up at work and in your personal life. 

Seeing a kite fall flat on the ground

This is a sign of failure and disappointment. 

On the other hand, the dream tells something you are presently involved in and has strings attached to it. 

At the moment, you may be playing safe but according to the dream, you would need to pay the price at some point in your life. 

A kite frame

This tends to show up if you have failed to meet the expectations of others, disappointing them. Kite frames also stand for innate talent and skills you aren’t aware of. 


To wrap up, a dream of kite may be your subconscious letting you know where you stand in terms of your goals. 

As mentioned above, some plots may highlight the impracticality of your dreams. But don’t let that discourage you.