Dream of a power outage says you love being free. Alternatively, it suggests that you aren’t your individual self in public.

Dream of Power Outage – General Interpretations

The dream of a power outage might seem like a bad omen. After all, you can’t live long without electricity in this age!

But that might not always be the case. So, let’s know what they usually imply here…

  • You wish to stay independent.
  • It’s symbolic of your desire to reach goals.
  • You have a dual personality.
  • You must express your feelings.
  • Good luck will follow you.

Dreaming of Power Outage – Various Types & Their Meanings

In the dream, if the power outage happens while you are studying or working, it indicates you’re a workaholic and must focus on your personal life. But if it was when you were sleeping, it resembles missed opportunities.

Similarly, your dream also has a unique message. If you remember yours, keep reading!

Dream of a power outage due to thunder

The dream of a power outage due to thunder depicts fortune. All your problems will soon get solved.

Dream of a power outage at night

It indicates negative things will happen to you.

A power outage while studying or working

This dream says you ignore your close ones because of your work. So, you must take a break from your work and spend time with your friends and family.

A power outage while sleeping

This dream says you are missing certain opportunities.

A power outage when you are home alone

The dream of a power outage when you are home alone predicts a dead soul wants to talk to you.

A power outage while meditating

It says you are trying to connect with your spirit and need to focus on it.

The problems in your real life are only testing you. You need to overcome them by not deviating from your goals.

A power outage while playing video games

The dream of a power outage while playing video games says games are part of our spiritual journey. It asks you to stop wasting your time.

A word from ThePleasantDream

Power outages lead to urgent situations in real life because electricity is essential for almost everything in today’s generation.

Similarly, your dream of a power outage is equally urgent. So, you must find the message and work on them ASAP. 

If you get dreams about getting in trouble at work then check its meaning here.