A dream of seeing yourself can leave you dumbfounded. In some cases, it can get creepy! For instance, what can be the meaning if you see yourself inside a beautifully decorated coffin. Or what can a dream about seeing yourself committing suicide indicate?

Disturbing as it is, you must remember that it made its way to your sleep state for a particular reason. Your subconscious knows more about you than you think it does. Can it be hinting at an enemy lurking around to take your life or is it warning you of a terrible incident ahead?

If you are interested to know further, do keep on reading as we are going to unravel everything related to dreams about seeing yourself!

Dreams Of Seeing Yourself - Various Scenarios And Their Meanings
Dreams Of Seeing Yourself – Various Scenarios And Their Meanings

What Does It Mean To See Yourself In A Dream?

A dream about seeing yourself is often associated with your identity. Such as who you are, how you behave, how the world sees you, how you want to be perceived, etc. Depending on the dream details and your real-life circumstances, they also tell a lot about your married life and future.

Generally, dreams about seeing yourself are associated with your identity – how the world perceives you or how you have been portraying yourself. 

These types of dreams are quite common but they are often forgotten or ignored. However, they are important to decipher as they give an insight into how you appear to the rest of the world. If you dig deeper and study your dream minutely, you will see that it hints at various points you can work on to be a better person. 

Often, the ‘you’ present in the dream is the genuine you, not who you have become or how you want to be seen. 

Do you find that rather confusing? Okay! Let me explain that – In the hustle and bustle of the modern world, in an attempt to make a living and keep up with the fast-paced world, we often ignore our dreams, desires, callings, wishes – consciously or unconsciously. 

In that regard, the person that appeared in your dream can be your soul coming to remind you of your dreams and guide you through. 

Another possibility is that you have ignored your intuition regarding a matter. 

Say, something about your acquaintance disturbs you. Though you find him or her dubious, you might have decided to bury your intuition and keep on doing business with him or her. In that case, your conscience might have turned up in your dream with a message – not to ignore your intuition. 

Other interpreters believe that the ‘you’ in your dream is your own reflection – who you are, how you behave, what you are up to, in the waking world. 

It is crucial to ask yourself these questions – In the dream, how did you see yourself? What did you do? Who were you with, etc. 

Let’s take, for instance, an image of you running on a treadmill. That can be an indication that you believe your hard work is taking you nowhere. 

Many dream researchers believe that seeing your own face in a dream has more to do with your personality than your looks and outer appearances. 

Also, such types of dreams can mean you crave to stand out from the masses.

Negatively, seeing your own self in a dream is associated with revelation. 

Have you been pretending to be someone you are not to woo someone? Have you lied about your social background to be at par with your partner’s? If you have been up to anything similar, the scenario may be an indication that you would soon be exposed. 

A Dream Of Seeing Yourself: Dream Symbols

Some common dream symbols behind seeing yourself in a dream scenario include:

A reflection of your waking life

Some dream experts believe that the ‘you’ in the dream is nothing but a reflection of your attitude, behavior, lifestyle, etc in the real world. 

You feel you are a spectator in your own life

A dream about seeing yourself can happen if you feel you are nothing but a spectator of your own life and activities. 

Ask yourself if you have let others have the upper hand even in matters that concern you and your life. Are you abiding by their wishes and demands regarding what to do, where to go, who to see, and who not to? 

Do you feel that you have lost control of your own life and are dancing to the tune of others? If yes, you need not think any further – your subconscious wants you to be the driver of your own life. Why let someone have their way when you can direct your own life?


Seeing yourself in a dream may also happen if you feel insecure and vulnerable in the waking world. 

Guilty Conscience

One of the most common reasons why your doppelganger surfaces in your dream is a guilty conscience. Chances are, you have wronged someone unjustly and your conscience weighs heavy on you. 

Recall if the other you in the dream looked at you reproachfully as if warning you of something. 

Fear of getting exposed

Perhaps you constantly worry that someone will see your true colors and find out who you really are. This can be the meaning of your dream if you have been putting on a facade pretending to be a person you really are not. 

A disconnection

Seeing yourself in your dream may also indicate a disconnection between your body and soul in the waking world. 

For instance, you may be pursuing a career you detest just to fulfill your parents’ wishes. If you do not enjoy your work it’s natural for you to get dejected and unenthusiastic about the future. 

Though it is fairly common, the dream can be a sign that you should work on bringing together your mind and body. Figure out how you can pursue your dream goals without hurting your parents. 

Harmonious life

Such a dream is also a symbol of a happy and harmonious life with your dear ones. 

You believe you are equal to others

Seeing yourself in a dream vision indicates you see yourself as an equal to those around you. 

Nothing less and nothing more – be it in terms of your financial status, social position, or physical appearance.  

You feel that you are alone

According to dream experts, you are bound to dream about seeing yourself if you believe you have nobody but yourself to rely on in the waking world. 

This can be the meaning of your dream if you saw yourself all alone. 

Financial Independence

Many scenarios about seeing yourself speak of financial independence or a rise in your earnings. For instance, a dream about seeing yourself sick or unconscious. 

Dreams Of Seeing Yourself: Various Scenarios And Their Meanings

If you ask ‘What does it mean if I see myself in a dream?’, it would be impossible to give a precise answer as your dream can mean anything under the sun. The only elements that can direct you to the exact meaning of your dream are the events in the plot, your real-life circumstances, past happenings, and the emotions felt within the dream. 

The list below may or may not include your dream plot. Even if you don’t find it there, do not fret! Instead, carefully analyze how the others are interpreted and take hints from them. 

A dream about seeing and talking to yourself

Here, you, i.e., the dreamer represent your egoistic self and the other you present in the dream scenario stands for your higher self. Therefore, you can interpret the dream as an interaction between your higher self and the egoistic self. 

On the other hand, the dream can be reminding you of a truth your conscious self has not yet acknowledged. 

Either way, it’s crucial to recall the conversation – what it was about and the words exchanged in the dream. The interaction will definitely give you a hint on what you must prioritize and what you have overlooked.

A dream about fighting yourself

Dreaming about having a physical confrontation with yourself signifies an internal conflict. Chances are, you are torn between two or more choices regarding a matter in your waking life and aren’t sure how to proceed. 

For instance, your rational mind may be yearning to move to another country for a better living condition but your heart may be against the idea of leaving your parents behind. In that case, the image of you fighting your duplicate stands for your struggle to figure out your next move. 

Another approach to the dream is that you have let yourself down in the waking world. Intentionally or unintentionally, you have done something you shouldn’t have. It weighs heavy on your conscience and you can neither forgive yourself nor accept it and move on. Instead, you believe you should reap what you sow. 

Seeing yourself fighting someone in a dream

To see a dream about fighting someone means an event will catch you off-guard in the waking world. It can either be something pleasant or unpleasant. 

Alternatively, the scenario can herald receiving a piece of extremely good news from someone dear to you. 

Seeing yourself as a monster in a dream

The scenario signifies a transformation – physical, emotional, or mental. Monsters, as you and I know, are wicked creatures. So, there’s a strong possibility that you are turning into a person you subconsciously do not approve of. 

Perhaps you realize that circumstances are turning you into a self-centered, evil person. Note that the change does not always have to be drastic. 

Maybe you believe your physical appearance is deteriorating as you aren’t taking proper care of yourself as you once used to. And the scenario can be a reflection of those thoughts. 

Dreaming about seeing your face full of blemishes and ache

Chances are, you have been repressing your genuine emotions and feelings. However, as the saying goes, nothing can be kept hidden forever!

The dream can be warning you to express your thoughts and feelings appropriately without hurting anyone before they forcefully seek their way out. 

Say, for example, you disapprove of the way your partner speaks to you in public. All this while you might have kept it hidden, afraid that it would hurt him or her. According to the plot, it’s time you let him or her know how you really feel about the matter – before you blurt out your opinions at the most inappropriate time and place embarrassing your partner and yourself as well. 

Before your emotions forcefully find their way out, figure out a way to communicate your genuine feelings with the person concerned. 

Positively, some cultures around the world relate the scenario with success. 

A dream about seeing your face all scratched

Have you been pretending to be someone you really are not? Or have you lied about your interests in a matter?

If your answer is a big, fat YES, the dream says your real intentions would soon be revealed. And unfortunately, you will be subjected to getting hurt – mentally or emotionally. In the worst case, you may end up losing the trust and loyalty of others. 

Dreaming about seeing your face unusually red 

It is an ill omen to see your face unusually red in a dream. The color red is often associated with love and passion but not in this context. Instead, it stands for potential danger. 

Though there is no further hint about the forthcoming problems you will possibly get into, the dream advises you to be cautious of your moves and not let your guards down under any circumstances or conditions. 

Seeing yourself wash your face in a dream

In the real world, we wash our faces to take off dirt, grease, and other impurities from our faces. The act of washing has a similar meaning in the dream world too. The scenario can be interpreted as you trying to come clean by washing off lies, deception, and pretentious actions. 

The interpretation applies only if you have been pretending to be someone you really are not.

Dreaming about seeing yourself applying makeup

According to the plot, you are trying to cover up imperfections or a grievous mistake in your waking life. 

A dream about seeing yourself with changes in the facial feature

Interestingly, you may dream about seeing yourself with a longer nose, bigger eyes, wider ears, long hair, you get the idea!

Such types of dreams hint at changes coming into your life. Most likely, they denote changes in attitude, behavior, or mindset though they can also hint at alterations in physical appearances.

A dream about seeing yourself blind

Having a dream about seeing yourself blind is your subconscious reminding you to come back to your senses. As per the plot, you have numerous enemies around you, and time and time again, they have already shown you what they are capable of. 

However, since you appeared blind in the dream, the scenario indicates you are still unable to recognize the true colors of your enemies and their potential to destroy you. Chances are, you are still laid back and carrying on with your life without a care in the world. 

A dream about seeing yourself fat

According to the plot, your living standards with regard to material possessions will significantly improve. 

Seeing yourself beautiful in a dream

According to the dream books of Miller, seeing yourself beautiful in a dream stands for your success both in the personal as well as professional sphere. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself ugly

The scenario denotes the deterioration of your overall well-being. 

A dream about seeing yourself looking different

Seeing yourself looking different in a dream hints at possible transformations. Perhaps you will get a new haircut, or change your fashion sense completely. 

On the other hand, the dream can be a reflection of your desire to make certain changes in the real world – the way you talk, for example.

Having this dream indicates you need to reevaluate your genuine thoughts and opinions about yourself, especially your looks. In case, something does not make you satisfied or happy, your subconscious encourages you to go ahead with the desired changes. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself ragged and worn out

If that is how you saw yourself, you need to ask yourself a question before you begin your dream interpretation. 

‘Is there anything in your waking life that’s sucking the soul off you?’

If your answer to the above question is yes, you need to delve deeper into your dream and figure out the reason why your duplicate looks haggard. Almost every time, the answer to your dream lies in the dream itself. 

As a dreamer, all you need to do is analyze the scenario from all possible perspectives leaving no stones unturned!

Dreaming about seeing yourself old

Having a dream about seeing an older version of yourself indicates you are too rigid and inflexible in your views and opinions. If you find the interpretation relatable, the dream can be a warning not to be too stubborn as it benefits neither you nor others. 

Also, it can mean you are well in control of your feelings and emotions. Unlike some people who often blurt out their feelings against their wishes, you do not let your emotions lead you. 

Having said that, the dream indicates you need to loosen up a bit and be more expressive of your emotions – negative or positive. If you love someone, do not be afraid to confess, if someone hurts you, let him or her know what you genuinely feel. 

Dreams of such nature are also associated with reservations you have about aging including worries such as who will take care of you when you become dependent. 

If you dream of seeing an older version of yourself, you need to recall your emotions in the dream. If your older self seems alright, the scenario can symbolize the wisdom of your decisions and actions. 

On the other hand, if you look terrible or unhealthy, the scenario indicates the futility of your actions and decisions. 

Seeing yourself older in a dream also symbolizes health issues and exhaustion. 

Dream interpretation seeing your younger self

To dream about seeing yourself younger symbolizes health and happiness. Such dreams occur when you are content with everything around you. 

Seeing yourself as a child in a dream

You can interpret this dream from various different perspectives. 

First, it can mean adult life and the responsibilities that come with it overwhelms you. Perhaps you miss the good old carefree days where you always rely on your parents or older siblings to get work done for you. 

Such dreams may also mean you still haven’t come to terms with something from your childhood. Maybe you are still unable to understand why your best friend left you or you are still carrying on a grudge from your childhood days. 

Another approach to the scenario is that you are acting immaturely. In that case, the dream signifies the need for you to grow up and act your age. 

Negatively, dreams of such nature are associated with betrayal. 

Seeing yourself as an infant in a dream

It is an ill omen to see yourself as an infant in a dream. The scenario denotes that you will find yourself in a series of helpless situations in the foreseeable future. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in others’ clothes

It is an ill omen to dream about seeing yourself in someone else’s clothes. Shortly you will find yourself caught in a series of misfortunes. 

A dream about seeing yourself naked

You can interpret a dream about seeing yourself naked in various ways. First, it can be a reflection of your insecurities and weaknesses in the real world. 

The plot is also closely connected to exposure. Perhaps you are afraid that you would get busted about something you have tried so hard to conceal. 

The scenario may surface if you are constantly afraid of something that is not considered an object of ridicule. Let’s say, failure, for example, failure is nothing but a stepping stone to success and the best teacher. 

Another possibility is that you feel vulnerable in the real world. 

Positively, seeing yourself unclothed in a dream can symbolize a clear conscience. Maybe you have never done anything against your principles and morals. You have shown people who you are exactly, you have hidden nothing and there’s no more to uncover about your identity. 

A dream about seeing yourself walking around naked

Seeing yourself walk around naked in a dream is a positive message. You can expect a pleasant surprise coming your way anytime soon.

A dream about seeing yourself in white clothes

Having a dream about seeing yourself in white clothes hints at an upcoming business trip. 

A dream about seeing yourself looking at the mirror

A dream wherein you saw yourself looking at the mirror indicates you are in need of self-reflection. 

Perhaps you cannot come to terms with a situation however hard you try. Or maybe you can’t get yourself to love your partner sincerely despite your efforts. 

Note that the interpretation does not apply if you like your reflection in the mirror. 

Seeing your face in a mirror in a dream

Having a dream about seeing your face in a mirror denotes you need to reflect on a few matters in the real world. This can be the meaning of your dream if you are dissatisfied with who you are and what you have become. 

A dream about looking at the mirror and not recognizing yourself

In a dream, if you saw yourself looking at the mirror and not recognizing your own image, the scenario portends trouble in your domestic environment. 

A dream about seeing yourself look at the mirror but finding no reflection

Looking at the mirror but not seeing your reflection in it signifies a loss of individuality. Now might be the ideal time to ask a question.

How much impact do you have on your own life? Do you live by your guiding principles or have you let others push and pull you around according to their whims and fancies? Have you been too cowardly to stand and speak up for yourself? 

Carefully analyze your real-life circumstances, note your answers and figure out the areas that need improvement. 

A dream about seeing two of your faces in the mirror

This sounds creepy but not impossible. Sometimes, you will dream about seeing both your face and your reflection in the mirror. Or to put it simply, you may see two of your faces in the mirror. 

It indicates that you have the tendency to pretend to be someone you are not. Furthermore, it reflects your insincerity and disloyalty in love and relationships. 

A dream about seeing yourself look at the mirror to find an undistorted image

The scenario is a harbinger of wealth and prosperity. 

Seeing yourself look at the mirror and seeing a dark and obscure image in a dream

Undeniably, finding a dark and obscure reflection in the mirror signifies trouble. 

A dream about seeing yourself look at the mirror and liking the reflection

Having a dream about seeing yourself look at the mirror and being content with your reflection symbolizes a harmonious life. 

A dream about looking at a mirror and seeing an older version of yourself looking back

According to the plot, you have been trying to put up an energetic and healthy persona when in reality you are exhausted to the core. 

A dream about seeing yourself look into the mirror and seeing the reflection of an old woman

The dream is a harbinger of progress and advancement in your professional life. 

A dream about looking at a mirror and seeing a younger version of yourself looking back

This is a positive dream. You have been extremely honest and transparent about yourself and your life with the people around you. There’s nothing you have concealed and the dream shows you are happy with what you have done.

Seeing yourself bald in a dream

The dream hints at certain roadblocks that are preventing you from realizing your plans. 

A dream about seeing yourself look at a mirror and seeing yourself fat/ thin

It is a positive dream if you see yourself look at the mirror and see a fatter version of yourself. 

The plot symbolizes success and prosperity. 

On the contrary, if you saw a thinner image of yourself in the dream, the scenario hints at an underlying health issue. 

A dream wherein you saw yourself look at the mirror and make faces

The scenario portends a trip with a close friend. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself look at the mirror and seeing an ugly reflection

The ugly reflection can be a harbinger of the harsh criticisms you will likely be subjected to in the foreseeable future. 

However, in due time, you will realize that they stem from your own wrongdoings. Well, a reflection looks ugly only when the original looks terrible, doesn’t it? 

A dream about seeing yourself look at the mirror and getting scared by your reflection

More often than not, such a dream signifies you are overwhelmed by negative emotions – which can be anything from anger and hatred for someone to self-loath.

Chances are, the spectacle found its way to your dream state because your subconscious wants you to realize the futility of harboring those emotions. Forgive, forget and move on! That is probably what your higher self wants you to do.

Seeing yourself look at the mirror in a dream and seeing the reflection of an animal

The plot portends success in the professional sphere, especially for those who run their own businesses. 

When you see yourself sleeping in your dream

Though many dream experts relate the scenario to a need for relaxation, others interpret such dreams as negative. According to the latter school of thought, to dream about seeing yourself sleeping denotes you are neglecting your duties and responsibilities. Additionally, you have let evil thoughts occupy your mind.

The interpretation varies depending on the position you saw yourself sleeping. If you were sleeping with your head down, the plot stands for poverty and unemployment whereas sleeping on your back signifies financial independence. 

The place matters too. If a sickly person sees himself or herself sleeping in a grave, it can be a sign that his or her end is near. However, if the scenario surfaces in the sleep state of a healthy person, he or she may lose his or her job. 

Seeing yourself sleeping under a tree in a dream signifies a large family. Perhaps your family will expand through marriage or childbirth. 

A dream about seeing yourself sleeping, unable to wake up

Generally, the scenario signifies minor troubles that will get in your way. 

Seeing yourself unconscious in a dream

Though the spectacle seems unpleasant, it has a positive message. You will receive either a promotion or a raise. It can also stand for a change of job. 

A dream about seeing yourself sick

Having a dream about seeing yourself sick implies you will be condemned by your near and dear ones. 

A dream about seeing you nursing yourself 

According to the plot, you are full of self-doubt in the waking world.

A dream about seeing yourself killing yourself

Contrary to general perception, killing yourself in a dream is a good sign, especially if you are trying to get over an addiction or toxic habits. 

The plot says you will successfully break free from terrible habits and addictions. 

A dream where you saw yourself dead

Having a dream about seeing yourself dead is a harbinger of success regarding matters you consider important. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a coffin

The plot symbolizes various setbacks lying on your path to success. For those competing against rivals, the dream denotes failure. 

A dream about seeing yourself get ready for your own funeral

To dream about seeing yourself get ready for your funeral is an auspicious sign. In the dream world, death indicates the end of something. And in this case, getting ready for your funeral denotes you will leave singlehood and will tie the knot soon.

The scenario can also be a symbol of longevity. 

A dream about seeing yourself lying in a coffin from the side

Naturally, the scenario will leave you uneasy and afraid of what’s to come. If you associate the scenario with your own death, you’re not alone!

Fortunately, the plot is not as bad as it looks on the surface. It does not necessarily scream death – neither of you nor of your loved ones. However, expect trouble and problems to befall you. 

Seeing yourself crying in a dream

Having a dream about seeing yourself crying shows you are undergoing a rough patch and are extremely sorrowful in the waking world.

Dreams about seeing yourself in a military outfit

Having a dream about seeing yourself in a military outfit is not a good sign.  It is a reflection of you being a two-face person. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself as a celebrity

Having a dream about seeing yourself as a celebrity is a premonition of success. 

Seeing yourself as a bride in a dream

According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, a dream about seeing yourself as a bride symbolizes a reconciliation with someone important at the most unexpected moment. 

A dream about seeing yourself dress up for your wedding

Seeing yourself getting dressed for your own wedding in a dream foretells financial difficulties. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a photograph

Considering the significance of photographs in the real world, a dream about seeing your own face in a photograph is associated with your past. 

Speaking of which, does anything from your past still bother you?

Perhaps your conscience still weighs heavy as you have greatly wronged someone. Or maybe you still can’t get over an embarrassing situation that happened years back. 

If the interpretation fits into your circumstances, the dream can be your subconscious advising you to live in the present and not let the past events bog you down. 

If anyone hurts you, forgive, forget and move on. On the contrary, if you wronged someone, consider apologizing to that person to be at peace with yourself. 

A dream about seeing yourself traveling

Dreaming about seeing yourself traveling is quite common. In general, they stand for your life journey. It’s crucial to recall the types of transportation you take in the dream as driving a car will have a significantly different meaning from taking a bus

Also, try to remember what happened during the journey. Were you able to reach your destination without any roadblocks or did anything stop you from getting to your desired destination?

Dreams about seeing yourself in heaven

To dream about seeing yourself in heaven, or to be more specific, exploring heaven shows you are looking for a solution to a problem you are experiencing in the real world. 

For instance, say one of your loved ones left you unexpectedly and untimely. Around that time, if you dream about yourself in heaven, it means you are searching for the reason why God snatched away your loved one so soon. 

According to dream experts, dreams about seeing yourself in heaven or exploring heaven often surface in the dreams of a perfectionist. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself from above

The spectacle hints at an underlying disease. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself falling

To dream about seeing yourself falling stands for your fear of insecurities and failure in reality. 

Seeing your face floating in the air in a dream

To begin with, a dream about seeing your face floating in the air is extremely rare. 

But the good news is – it doesn’t indicate anything bad. It is simply a sign that you need to grow up and be accountable for your own actions.

Dreaming about seeing yourself soar high up in the sky

Now that is what we call a wish-fulfillment dream. In the foreseeable future, you will tie the knot with the person you love dearly. 

A dream about seeing yourself soar above a water body

Having a dream about seeing yourself not in the water but above it is a harbinger of a series of troubles. But rest assured, you will ride through them and will emerge successfully. 

A dream about seeing yourself swimming in the sea

Seeing yourself swimming in the sea in a dream is a reflection of your harmonious relationship with your partner. 

A dream about seeing yourself fall into a well

Having a dream about seeing yourself fall into a well can mean you have fallen into a dead-end from a high position. 

Most likely, you will get into deep trouble, which seems quite irreversible. Since the insides of wells are pitch dark, it can signify seeing no ray of hope whatsoever. 

Alternatively, it can be a sign that you are not emotionally stable and needs to be taken care of. 

Seeing yourself drowned in a dream

Based on the plot, you are filled with discontentment and dissatisfaction in the waking world. 

However, the interpretation may differ depending on the type of water and the temperature. In case the water was clean and of normal temperature, it stands for your spiritual cleansing.

Dreaming about seeing yourself in the rain

It is an ill omen to dream about seeing yourself in the rain. You may soon hear news about the death of a loved one.

Dreaming about seeing yourself slip on the stairs

A dream about seeing yourself slip down the stairs can be a warning of a potential robbery. 

Seeing yourself applauding for someone in a dream

The dream stands for the interest you have shown for a particular person. Based on the plot, he or she is respected in your circle. And if luck favors, a love relationship may even blossom between the two of you. 

If that does happen, note that you will receive immense respect from your people and life will also get much easier. 

A dream about seeing yourself giving birth

Have you been thinking about making changes in various aspects of your life? There is a possibility that you have. You can take this opportunity to reevaluate your life, priorities, and goals. Find out which are paying off and which are not and make the necessary changes. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself from the side

Having a dream about seeing yourself from the side portends the coming of a piece of extremely pleasant news.

A dream about seeing yourself from the back

Seeing yourself from the back in a dream is associated with the future. 

In case your back looks even, you will age gracefully and will live happily for long. On the other hand, if your back appeared wrinkled, distorted, or hunched, you will possibly live a long life but in deprivation.

A dream about meeting yourself

Dreaming about meeting yourself can be the subconscious reminding you to look at your life from another person’s point of view. In the waking world, we are the center of our own universes. We live for ourselves and strive for a better life for ourselves.

While that is understandable, it can also get problematic. Sometimes we are so immersed in our own world, needs, wants and dreams that we fail to see what we are lacking.

Eventually, our shortcomings turn into roadblocks making it impossible for us to make progress. Therefore, the scenario can be your subconscious advising you to take a step back and look at your existence from an outsider’s perspective. That way, you may be able to see something you have overlooked.

Another approach to the scenario is that you should immediately put an end to what you have been up to lest you want to get involved in dangerous affairs. As to what the dream is hinting at, you must thoroughly analyze your life and goings-on. After differentiating the right from the unlawful and unethical, leave what you feel will get you in trouble. 

A dream of seeing yourself and disliking what you saw

Sometimes, you may dream about seeing yourself and hate what you saw. In that case, the message is pretty simple. 

There’s something you detest about yourself. It could be related to your physical appearance, behavior, or attitude. To figure out what it is, you need to recall what you saw in the dream and find out what was so unlikeable. 

A dream about seeing yourself with someone else’s eyes

Dreaming about seeing yourself with someone else’s eyes implies repetitive unsuccessful attempts at job hunting. 

A dream about seeing yourself from another person’s body

That sounds creepy and strange but as you are probably aware, even the illogical makes sense in the dream world.

Seeing yourself from another person’s body means you believe you are nothing more than a mere spectator in your own life. Chances are, you are a people pleaser and in an attempt to impress others, you might have given up your own dreams and hopes. 

If the above interpretation resonates with your real-life circumstances, note that the dream is encouraging you to step up and take ownership of your life. 

Remember, you should be the hero of your life, not someone else! Your subconscious advises you to make yourself a priority and to live for yourself!

Dreaming about seeing yourself in third person

Seeing yourself in the third person in a dream plot indicates a need to reevaluate your life and assess your behavior/ attitude and overall ways of living. 

A dream about seeing yourself with a twin

According to the dream, you will get involved in financial fraud. 

Seeing Yourself In Dreams: Different Dreamers

A girl seeing herself as a celebrity in a dream

You can interpret the dream in different ways. To begin with, the dream can be an indication of several positive changes coming your way. Perhaps you will do a makeover and abandon your old looks and fashion sense. 

On the other hand, it can be a sign that you have the potential to make your life a little more bright and vibrant. 

A girl dreaming about looking at her own reflection in the mirror and admiring her nudity

According to Miller, Lady Luck will favor the girl. However, the success she attains through her particular luck will be short-lived. 

A young woman dreaming about seeing herself as a bride

It is a positive sign if a young woman dreams of seeing herself as a bride. The plot symbolizes a happy marriage, a harmonious domestic environment, love, luck, and fortune. 

Luck will follow her in other aspects of life too. In her professional life, she will see an increase in her earnings. 

A single person dreaming about seeing herself in a wedding dress

If a single person dreams about seeing herself in a wedding dress, it indicates a happy marriage. 

Nonetheless, you should not let the interpretation end there as the condition of the dress also plays a crucial role. 

Read the heads below for more details. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a clean wedding dress

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a clean wedding dress can be a symbol of a happy and harmonious marriage. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a dirty wedding dress

Regardless of your marital status, seeing yourself in a dirty wedding dress in a dream is an ill omen. Chances are, your married life will either end in shambles or you will end up as a divorcee. 

A dirty wedding dress can also mean the person the dreamer will wed will get involved in numerous affairs in the future.

A married woman dreaming about seeing herself blonde

You are one lucky woman if you dream of the above scenario. Your partner is loyal to you beyond words and sees no one else but you. 

The above interpretation applies only if you are not blonde in the real world. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself with ginger hair

According to the scenario, you will be tempted to commit a lot of deeds you know are wrong. You will have a pretty hard time trying to fight them.

A dream about seeing yourself as a brunette

The plot symbolizes minor troubles and setbacks. 

A married woman seeing herself in a wedding gown in a dream

The scenario brings a positive message. Most likely, the dreamer will get pregnant soon if she sees herself in a clean wedding dress. 

Moreover, the birth of the young one will be a true blessing to the family as all problems will end with his or her coming into life. 

Dreaming about seeing yourself in a black wedding dress

A dream about seeing yourself in a black wedding dress stands for a problematic life. 

A pregnant woman dreaming about seeing herself with a beard

According to the plot, the woman will give birth to a son. 

A woman dreaming about seeing herself beautiful in a dream

It is a positive sign if a woman dreams about seeing herself as beautiful. In the foreseeable future, she will likely get into a passionate romantic affair. It may or may not lead to a relationship founded on genuine love. 

However, even if love is not on the cards, a strong friendship will develop between the two individuals. 

A woman dreaming about seeing herself being well in shape

According to the plot, you will soon get acquainted with a domineering man. The relationship can be romantic or professional.

A woman sees herself as a man with a mustache/ beard in a dream

Based on the plot, her relationships are likely to improve. It is an auspicious dream for women associated with law and litigation. The plot says you will be successful in your present pursuits related to the law. 

If you are working on a case for a client or fighting an opponent in the court, expect to hear good news. 

From the romantic point of view, the dream stands for the appearance of a man in your life. 

A woman sees herself look at her reflection in the mirror in a dream

According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, the woman will likely be approached by a colleague to be in an intimate relationship with him. 

A woman looking at her reflection in a broken mirror in a dream

The dream can be a sign of an unhappy marriage. 

A woman seeing herself take a walk in a dream

If a woman sees herself taking a walk in a dream, it possibly means she has sexual fantasies about a man who is committed to another person. 

A woman sees herself sleeping on her stomach in a dream

According to Islamic beliefs, such a dream denotes you hate sleeping with your partner. 

A woman seeing herself dying in a dream

A woman seeing herself dying in a dream portends a heartbreaking separation from her beloved. 

A man seeing himself with a beard in a dream

Suppose you do not grow your beard in the waking world. Then, what can be the meaning if you dream of seeing yourself with a beard. 

According to dream analysts, it stands for profit and material wealth.

A man dreaming about seeing himself look at the mirror and seeing the reflection of an old person

The scenario symbolizes longevity. 

A man dreaming about seeing himself well in shape

If a man dreams about seeing himself well in shape, it means he is a bad judge of character. Likely he treats people who care for him poorly while keeping on a pedestal those who wish him ill. 

The dream can be a wake-up call. To see others for who they are and treat them accordingly. 

A man seeing himself in his uniform

For a man to dream about seeing himself in a uniform with no one nearby indicates he should be more self-confident. 

A man seeing himself in others’ clothes in a dream

If a man dreams of seeing himself in other people’s clothing, a woman will soon cunningly try to seduce him. 

A man sees himself sleeping in a dream

If a man sees himself sleeping in a dream, he will likely develop strong feelings for a woman he is familiar with. 

Dream Of Seeing Yourself: Dream Examples

  1. A man dreamed of seeing himself as an adolescent. 

In waking life, the dreamer had to take a test he felt was pointless. Turned out, he complained about it a lot to his teachers. 

During adolescence, we are often guided by our momentary interest without carrying a dime for the consequences. Think about it, did you care about your future when you were at that stage. Probably not!

All we want during that stage of life is to eat and do things that please us. Well, that’s what happened here, the dreamer was not interested in the test and was doing anything to avoid it.

Possible Reasons Why You Dream Of Seeing Yourself

There are thousands of reasons why you dream about seeing yourself. As it is impossible to list each of them, we have hand-picked some of the most common reasons why such types of dreams found their way to your sleep state. They include-

  1. Your subconscious mind deems it necessary for you to reflect on your life, actions, and decisions. 
  2. Such dreams can happen if you have been ignoring your intuition about a matter – something that is much more crucial than you think it is. 
  3. You constantly worry that you would get busted. 
  4. There is a disconnection between your mind and body. 
  5. Your conscious mind has failed to recognize something important. In such cases, the dream can be your higher self reaching out to guide you. 
  6. You are undergoing a transformation or are about to. 
  7. It can mean your life is nothing but a lie. If that resonates, the dream warns you to come clean before you are exposed by others. 
  8. On the other hand, some scenarios show how transparent of a person you are. You are an open book with nothing hidden. 
  9. You have lost control over your life and are nothing but a spectator in your life. 
  10. Seeing yourself in a dream can also stand for a happy and harmonious life with your near and dear ones. 
  11. You are too rigid and stubborn for your own good. 
  12. You believe that you are all alone in the waking world. 

A Few Questions You Need To Answer If You See Yourself In A Dream

When you experience an unusual dream, the first thing you would want to do is ask around if anyone has encountered such types of dreams. 

However, do note that no two dreamers will have the same dream interpretations. Because the lives of each one of us are completely different. It is your personality and circumstances that determine the core meaning of your dream. That is to say, no one knows your dream better than you!

So, what you can do is recall the scenarios as specifically as possible. At the same time, be clear about what’s happening in your life. Then find the common ground, connect the dots and you’ll eventually be able to get to the bottom of the dream. 

Asking these questions yourself will help get you to your destination faster. 

  1. Where did you see the other you in the dream? This is very important. Note the exact location – was it someplace you are familiar with in the waking world or did you see yourself in a strange place?
  2. What was the other ‘you’ doing in the dream?
  3. How was the ‘you’ in the dream dressed? 
  4. In which stage of life did you see the other ‘you’ – as an elderly person, child, infant? 
  5. Was anyone else present in the dream? 
  6. If the dream involves a mirror, recall exactly how your reflection appeared. Or did you even see a reflection? 
  7. Did you get a chance to talk to the other ‘you’? If so, what did you talk about? Did the other ‘you’ leave any message? 
  8. Have you been brushing away your intuition, inner thoughts, and feelings?
  9. Does anything from the past still bother you? 
  10. Do you feel insecure in any aspects of your life?
  11. By any chance, are you putting on a facade and pretending to be someone you are not?
  12. Also, not to forget the emotions you experience in the dream. If you felt anxious, scared, or uneasy in the dream – the scenario can be a warning. 

Maybe you are okay at the moment but your anxiousness could mean you will go through uncertain times in the foreseeable future if you do not make changes and right the wrongs that are going on in your life. 

Wrap Up

At a glance, a dream of seeing yourself may seem alarming and nerve-wracking. Surely, for a split second, after you wake up, you will think about what you just saw – whether it is even possible. 

However, you need not worry much about it!

As mentioned, such types of dreams are usually a reflection of your life in the mortal world, though they can also happen when you have ignored your intuition for too long. From that perspective, they can be considered a wake-up call. 

Remember, dreams are the window to your subconscious. They help you see things you have overlooked in the waking world and as a dreamer, it is your duty to interpret the meaning and take the necessary steps.

If you get dreams about Tarot Cards then check its meaning here.