Are you the one dreaming of having a baby girl too often? Is the cute little girl trying to tell you something and you are unable to understand the hidden meaning. Being pregnant and experiencing weird fantasies is not that uncommon. These vivid night time visions could be dreams about a baby, or even about baby genders. 

Dreaming about having a baby girl symbolizes an idea, or creative process taking shape in real life. This dream is a positive sign of new beginning, purity, progress, and prosperity.

The dreams also highlight the soft and fragile nature of the dreamer. Read on to know more about such a pleasant dream and the symbolism it carries in waking life.

Dreaming of Having a Baby Girl – 40 Dream Scenarios to Reckon
Dreaming of Having a Baby Girl – Various Dream Scenarios to Reckon

Dreaming of having a baby girl – General Meaning

To dream about a baby girl is a sign of optimism and new beginning. A girl child is a dream symbol of innocence, purity, charm, beauty, and elegance. It also symbolizes the emotional nature of the dreamer.

In dream themes, baby girls symbolize the angels. They are the ones who are considered auspicious in the household. Dreaming of having a baby girl by a pregnant woman represents the purity of thoughts and beliefs of the dreamer.

In certain ethnic cultures of the East as in India, Japan, and China, baby girls are worshipped as a goddess. When you dream of giving birth to a baby girl, it symbolizes happiness and pleasantness in the family. The family feels blessed with new hopes and success coming on the way. A little girl in your dream represents self-growth and transformation for a better living.

The dream reminds you to stay strong during trying times as nothing lasts forever in life. The bad days will soon wither away and you will be at peace after the storm is gone. In case you are facing a lot of problems in waking life, you may dream about a baby girl. The girl in dreams also means your fragile, weak, and vulnerable ‘self’.

You may feel overwhelmed about the troubling situation and the dream tells you to stay strong and fight back with renewed vigor and energy.

Dreaming of having a baby girl represents the feminine qualities of the dreamer. It denotes sensitivity, sympathy, kindness, empathy, and gratitude as well. The dream also signifies the inner goodness and ethical values of the dreamer.

Symbolically dreaming of having a baby girl means the following:

Poise and serenity

Dreaming of a baby girl is a symbol of calmness and poise. You may feel the peace surrounding you in waking life. It indicates your ability to rise above adversities and accept life as it is. When there is no inner chaos, you can feel the peace inside out. 

Seeing a baby girl reminds you of your fighting spirit. It signifies that life is stable and things are going smooth as per the set goals. The dream of a baby girl leaves you relaxed and comfortable.

Vulnerable side of personality

Dreaming of having a baby girl also means your insecurities, indicating a fragile, and vulnerable ‘self’. It signifies your uncertain feelings and fear of the future. As you are unsure of what’s going to happen in waking life, the dream symbolizes anxiety and helplessness.

The dream symbolizes that you are feeling threatened from within and unable to protect yourself from the negative forces surrounding you. It represents your unconscious that is fearful and weak and frequently gets exposed to others. People may take undue advantage of it and leave you broken and shattered from within.

Symbol of sensitivity and empathy

Dreaming of a baby girl is a symbol of sensitivity, kindness, and empathy. Usually, the dream reflects your emotional and psychological state of mind. The dream represents that you are being ruled by your heart. You may often get upset when things do not work out according to the wishes.

It also suggests poor emotional control as the smallest of things can make you feel hurt and broken. Positively, if someone showers affection on you, you will feel blessed and touched. The dream symbolizes that you are kind and empathetic as well.

You are the one who easily realizes the need of others and can go to any extent to help people in distress.

Symbol of joy

Dreaming of giving birth to a baby girl is a moment of joy, pride, and fulfillment. It represents a pure heart and untainted mind, devoid of anything negative around you. The dream represents pure happiness as your life troubles are all gone and there is sunshine amidst the dark clouds surrounding you in reality. 

The dream suggests a happy life with positivity and hope. It reminds you that no matter what happens your life will be back on tracks very soon.

Symbol of change

When you dream of having a baby girl, it means you will come across several positive changes in real life. Your life will be full of new opportunities and you are to embrace the changes to grow and evolve for a better and brighter living. Having a baby girl is a symbol of shifting your life towards a positive outcome.

The baby girl symbolizes your ability to make the best use of the opportunities and turn your life towards a better living. Maybe, there will be some initial apprehension about the changes happening around you, but those are short-lived and you will easily overcome those in reality.

Being defenseless

Sometimes dreaming of having a baby girl means that you are feeling powerless and defenseless in your waking life. Maybe you are in a stressful state where you are feeling unprotected. It symbolizes your weakened personality. 

The dream indicates that powerful people are trying to take charge of your life and you have no support to hold on to. There is nothing on your side that can help you come out of the troubles. But the dream reminds you to stay strong and trust your instincts to keep going in tough times.


Dreaming of having a baby girl symbolizes that you are holding a guilt for your wrongdoing. You need to prove your innocence in front of others. 

The dream shows up that you are fragile and timid from within. There is no evidence to prove your innocence and as such you are feeling helpless in a troubling situation. 

Maybe there is some issue related to work that you will have to prove before your superiors. 

People are accusing you of some mistake but you lack evidence to prove yourself not guilty. 

In such a situation, the dream tells you to shrug off your false guilt and come out of your vulnerable self; not to allow others to break you from within.

Emotional expression

A baby girl in dreams is positive and tells you to express your emotions. Usually girls are considered more emotional and affectionate than the boys. Thus, their dream appearance means expressing yourself without censoring. You are to show your original self to the outside world, no matter how crude it appears.

Let others know that you are emotionally mature and can handle the toughest of situations with ease and grace. A baby girl symbolizes your power to communicate the deepest feelings verbally and non-verbally.

You are hardwired to feel the way it is and can naturally respond to the events occurring in daily life.

Dreaming of having a baby girl – 40 Dream Scenarios with Meanings

In general, to see  a baby girl in dream means good news, positive vibes, a sense of belongingness, a need for protection, relief, and sensitivity.

In this section, we are going to discuss the various common dream scenarios of having a baby girl.

1. Dream of having a baby girl while pregnant

If you are pregnant and dream of having a baby girl, it means your inner child is still craving love and attention. It symbolizes that your inner child needs to grow up and mature and accept life as it is. 

A baby girl symbolizes pleasure, happiness, wealth, and prosperity. The dream represents femininity and tenderness of the dreamer.

Moreover, if you are having recurring dreams about a baby girl, it may indicate your hidden wish to have a girl in waking life. The dream denotes a new phase of life that is exciting and joyful. 

While you are pregnant, seeing the baby girl represents positive emotions associated with the birth of a baby. It represents a creative and nurturing process that is fulfilling and satisfying in nature; as if you were longing to have a girl in your life.

2. Dream of having a baby girl and not pregnant

When a woman dreams of having a baby girl without being pregnant, it symbolizes a creative idea or project going on in her waking life. 

If you are seeing such a dream, it means that you have started a new business, a career or a new relationship that is growing slowly and taking baby steps towards success.

You are feeling happy and satisfied and thus it is showing up in dreams. Negatively, the dream symbolizes your stress and anxiety related to certain aspects of waking life that you need to cope up with. 

A baby girl appearing in dreams shows your insecure and emotionally wounded ‘self’ that you need to heal in order to move ahead in life.

The dream tells you to let go of your past sufferings and come out of those hidden anxieties and worries that is taking away your inner peace and is making you more uneasy and perturbed in reality.

3. Man dreaming of having a baby girl

When a man dreams of having a baby girl, it symbolizes his feminine and fragile nature. The theme typically involves feminine qualities like innocence, purity, love, kindness etc. The dream connects him to the ‘inner feminine’ that Carl Jung had referred to as ‘anima’. 

The psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud also highlighted the concept of feminine energy in a man’s psyche that portrays his soft and gentle nature.

This concept means that every man possesses a softer side to his personality where he appears to be insecure, fearful and more emotional like a woman. 

The anima represents the feminine traits of a man’s psyche. The dream symbolizes the image of a woman in a man’s psyche representing loyalty, faith, creativity, sacrifice, and nurturance.

4. Dreaming of having a baby girl with your boyfriend

This dream symbol represents new and positive developments coming your way in future. The dream may not be typically related to pregnancy but indicates a good relationship with your partner. 

It also represents the happy moments shared together. A pregnancy dream involving a baby girl represents the new plans and ideas that you both are working on in reality.

Sometimes if you see that you are giving birth to a baby girl and your boyfriend is with you, it means joint success on something that you people have undertaken. It is a positive omen and simply reflects successful completion of life goals.

5. Dreaming of someone having a baby girl

When you dream of someone else having a baby girl, it represents your unconscious wish of giving birth to a little girl in reality. If you are pregnant or are planning a pregnancy, such a dream symbolizes hope and new beginning. It creates a positive aura around you so that your creative ideas can thrive and grow in it.

Such a dream is a good sign of being loving, caring, gentle, and beautiful. Baby girls in dreams represent your innocence and purity. Seeing someone else with a baby girl also means relief, positive vibes, peace, and harmony in your waking life.

It symbolizes your feminine craving to nurture a baby and become a mother in reality.

6. Dream of holding a baby girl

The dream represents a close bonding and affectionate feelings for your loved ones. Holding a baby girl means that you are humble, polite, kind, and grateful towards someone in your waking life. 

This dream suggests friendship, marriage and taking care of your near and dear ones. In certain dream themes, holding a baby girl means to get hold of an opportunity that will pave the way for personal growth and innovation.

7. Dreams about a daughter

If you dream about your own little girl it means that you are concerned and worried about her physical and mental well-being. The dream symbolizes your apprehensions about your daughter’s safety. You may start behaving like an overprotective parent. It reflects your love, care of the baby, and concern for her overall well-being.

If you are a woman and dreaming of having a daughter, it indicates your ‘inner child. The dream tells you to take care of yourself. If you are too harsh on yourself, the dream tells you to stop doing it. You need to become more self-compassionate to feel confident from within.

If the dream shows that you are fighting with your daughter, it means you are struggling to maintain a healthy inner child. Your past hurts are taking a toll on your psyche and you are feeling more insecure and vulnerable in waking life.

8. Dreaming of neglecting your baby girl

If you dream of neglecting your baby girl, it means emotional stress and anxiety in waking life. It indicates certain stressful life events that are making you feel insecure and emotionally overwhelmed. The dream represents that you are ignoring or avoiding; or even escaping certain important aspects of waking life that are causing excessive worries in waking life.

In certain dream scenarios, neglecting a baby girl represents ignoring the ‘inner child’. If you are a female, the dream could mean that you have ignored the needs of your insecure self and now it is seeking your attention, love, and care.

9. Carrying a baby girl in dreams

If you are a parent or planning to become a parent the dream of carrying a baby girl means that you are excited and happy to shoulder the responsibility of your daughter. In real life, the dream represents your caring, compassionate, and responsible nature.

Maybe you successfully take the responsibility of others upon yourself. You are always keen on helping others in need.

10. Feeding a baby girl in dream

When you dream of nursing your baby girl, it means nurturance, love, care, and protection that you are giving to people around you in real life. You are always ready to offer your help and support towards others. 

This dream symbol is all about helping and protecting others from impending danger. You are keen to shower your purest love and concern for anyone who needs your support.

11. Dreaming of holding someone else’s baby girl

When you dream of holding someone else’s baby girl, it means you are not aware of your hidden talents and qualities. The dream reminds you of someone who can help you in achieving your goals. The dream represents exploring yourself; nurturing the qualities that you possess and taking the help and support of your well-wishers to ease your growth and progress in life.

12. Dream of finding a baby girl

Dreaming of finding a baby girl means that you are trying to understand the intentions of others around you. The dream tells you to use your instincts and intuitions to understand others in waking life. 

Finding a baby girl symbolizes your urge to know the truth about others. Maybe you are doubtful of someone conspiring against you.

So the dream tells you to remain cautious and not to trust others blindly. You need to use your skills to know the intentions of others before showing your trust on them.

13. Dreaming of a baby girl crying

A dream of a crying baby girl in dreams symbolize your needs. Just as the baby girl cries to seek help from her caregivers in reality; the dream suggests seeking help and support from others in waking life. 

If you dream that the baby is crying continuously it may indicate that you are unable to sort out things on your own and your weak self seeks emotional support from loved ones. Once your needs are satisfied, the child in you feels secure, loved, and cared for.

14. Dreams about welcoming a baby girl

When you dream of giving birth and welcoming a baby girl, it means success, happiness, growth and prosperity in certain important aspects of your waking life. The dream symbolizes embracing all the good things happening in reality. It also indicates good news related to love life and relationships, family etc.

When you welcome a baby girl in reality, she brings hope and a new beginning. Likewise the dream represents good times coming ahead. Soon you will be rewarded with abundance and happiness in real life.

15. Dreaming of having a sick baby girl

This dream represents anxiety, worries, and sadness. It denotes a lot of real life troubles coming your way because you are feeling emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted. The dream also indicates that certain real life situations are bothering you a lot and you are unable to fix it. A sick girl also symbolizes lack of coping skills needed to handle tough situations in life.

16. Dreaming of yourself as a baby girl

If you see yourself as a baby girl in dreams, it represents your inner child who is helpless, insecure, and needs to be loved and cared for. To see yourself in a vulnerable state denotes lack of self-confidence to keep going in trying times.

17. Dreams about a dancing baby girl

A dancing girl baby in your dream symbolizes joy and happiness in waking life. It means that you have learned to let go of your past sufferings and embark upon a new journey of living your life to the fullest. You have accepted your fears and insecurities and have developed coping strategies to deal with them effectively. 

A dancing baby also means you have forgotten your fears and worries and your heart is glowing with positive vibes needed for a happy and fulfilled living.

18. Dreaming of an untidy and messy girl

When you dream of a messy, shabby, and unkempt girl child, it means cancelled plans and inappropriate life goals. The dream represents failure and mishaps in accomplishing life goals. Maybe the real life obstacles have grown quite big and you do not know how to handle them in reality.

19. Dreams about cuddling a little girl

Dreams of cuddling a little girl represents your need to be loved and cared for. Maybe you are in a helpless state and need somebody to shower their affection upon you. The dream represents your inability to express emotions in a healthy manner. 

You are in need of a deep and gentle care to build your broken self-esteem. The dream indicates that you would feel emotionally safe and protected if you have caring people around you in waking people.

20. Dreaming of a sleeping baby girl

When you dream of a baby girl, it means you are unaware and uncertain about the various happenings of waking life. You are not aware of what’s going on in reality. A sleeping baby girl means that you have put your plans on hold because you are unsure of how to make progress in it.

The dream also means delay in goal accomplishment. There is no progress in your real life projects as you are deferring new ideas and delaying projects that need to be taken care of on an immediate basis.

21. Dreaming of twin baby girls

When you dream of twin baby girls, it means peace and harmony in waking life. It’s all about finding balance and poise in whatever you are doing in reality. Moreover, twin girls bring good luck and prosperity. It symbolizes healthy love relationships and meaningful connections.

22. Dreaming of peaceful baby girl

When you dream of a peaceful baby girl, it means the end of troubles and problems of waking life. Now you are at peace and are able to handle everything without getting emotionally overwhelmed. Your life would be smooth and favorable.

23. Dreaming of an agitated baby girl

A restless, agitated, and screaming baby girl in dreams mean that you will take a long time to solve your current problems. You may need to remain poised and patient to overcome the issues of waking life. An agitated baby girl also symbolizes your aggressive and restless self. 

The dream reminds you to calm down and use your wise mind to resolve the issues that are going on or coming up in real life. The dream tells you to have faith in yourself and combat the issues successfully.

24. Dreams about your ability to pacify a baby girl

Sometimes you may see that you are unable to pacify a cranky baby girl with baby toys or by singing a song. This dream symbolizes that your waking life is full of minor and petty problems which can easily be solved if you use the right skills and keep patience to overcome it. The dream suggests managing things wisely without getting agitated and overwhelmed.

25. Dreaming of a healthy and smiling baby girl

This dream is a good sign that indicates the end of problems in waking life. A smiling baby conveys hope, positivity, fresh beginning, new opportunities, happiness, and peace. 

The dream symbolizes that life problems are all gone now and you have made a fresh start towards a better and finer living.

Sometimes the dream theme indicates financial success and prosperous living. It also means that you will easily overcome and ease out conflicts and misunderstandings, if any in reality.

26. Dreaming of baby girl with baby toys

When you dream of a baby girl surrounded by toys, this is a negative dream. The dream means that you are going through a misunderstanding between you and your friends. The conflict is becoming worse each day and you may not be able to handle it well. 

The dream shows that the differences were due to cheating and malicious acts of others in your life. The toys represent obstacles and hindrances in your path. The dream tells you to take these situations as a learning opportunity and not to get overwhelmed. 

You should use these to make better life choices in future. It is a warning sign to use your discretion while trusting friends and never allow them to use you in any way.

27. Dreams of playing with a baby girl

Playing with a baby girl represents the casual, playful, and easy-going personality of the dreamer. It is a positive sign because the dream reminds you to develop your skills and take on the new opportunities for further learning and self-growth. 

A playful baby is a dream symbol for optimism and resilience. It teaches you to remain positive no matter what problems you face and the way you deal with it.

28. Dreams about punishing a baby girl

When you dream of punishing a baby girl, it represents your dominating and arrogant personality. The dream means that you are trying to compensate for the lost self-esteem by controlling others around you. You lack confidence and self-worth. 

Maybe your innate insecurities and weaknesses are sabotaging your thoughts and emotions and you are trying to control others for no reason. People may repel away from you and it can make you unpopular in social circles.

29. Dreams of being surrounded by baby girl

This dream symbol is auspicious because it depicts financial security, success, and prosperity. Being surrounded by baby girls represents good luck and stability in life. It could be that you are feeling secure and protected in the relationship you are in; or the job goals that you have set are getting met wisely. All the baby steps you took towards growth have shown success and you are happy about it.

30. Dream of newborn baby girl

A newborn baby girl represents new beginning, growth, prosperity, happiness and overall fulfillment. It denotes that you are living a happy and peaceful life; just the way you have wished for. 

This dream is a good sign for women who wish to get pregnant because it means that your wishes would come true without much effort.

31. A laughing baby girl in dreams

A laughing baby girl represents happiness, joy, and fulfilled living. It denotes a fresh start that can only fetch good results. You are satisfied with the way things are working in your life. If you have been struggling to overcome a problem, the dream means a successful solution to end it. The dream symbolizes optimism and pursuing a passionate life of your choice with less of worries and more of happiness.

32. Dreaming of a dying baby girl

This dream symbolizes a failure and disappointments with regard to some ongoing project of waking life.  Your current goals are failing and things are not in your favor at all. You are struggling to rise above adversities by staying calm and confident but the external factors are getting worse and pressing you from all ends. 

The dream denotes unsuccessful attempts, lost opportunities and failed life goals. The dream symbols tell you to remain positive and wait for the right time to start things afresh.

33. Dreaming of a cute baby girl

A cute baby girl means an auspicious time coming ahead. You will make big progress in your current life projects. Success will be all yours and you will end up doing something good and great. The dream reminds you to make the best use of the opportunities given to you.

34. Dreams about a baby girl with blue eyes

This is a positive dream symbolizing progress and successful completion of current life goals and projects. It means that all plans will fall in place and you will make a breakthrough success in it. Your stalled plans will be worked out well and advance towards a success.

35. Seeing an active girl in dreams

To see an active baby girl crawling on the floor, moving around, jumping can mean your brilliant ideas and active mindset. It means that you have many fertile ideas working within. You just need to make them fall in the right place and fetch good results in return. 

The dream represents your strengths and weaknesses, your resourcefulness to turn obstacles around and make the best use of available opportunities.

36. Fixing a baby girl’s hair in dreams

This dream symbolizes lighter moments of waking life that you really enjoy and wish to experience more of it. The dream indicates romantic relationships which are fulfilling. It also means new changes coming your way that would be highly refreshing.

37. Dreaming of a blonde baby girl

Dreaming of a blonde baby girl symbolizes wealth, financial gain, prosperity at work, healthy love life etc. the dream carries a positive message of hope and transformation for something bigger and better in life. It denotes healthy work-life balance, less stress and anxiety as well.

38. Dreaming of a naked baby girl

When you see naked baby girl in dreams, it means pain and suffering. It means health issues that were not managed well and you are suffering a lot because of it. The dream also means a radical life change that you were not expecting. 

The dream tells you to make healthy lifestyle choices and keep yourself stress-free to live a healthy life. You will have to lead a proactive lifestyle in order to stay fit and fine.

39. Dreams about a baby girl without parents

To dream about an orphan baby girl or a girl being abandoned by her biological parents means that you are feeling neglected, avoided, or ignored in waking life. The dream denotes poor social life, lack of support from friends and family.

40. Dreams of others making fun of the baby girl

If you dream about someone or a group of people making fun of the baby girl, it means you have hidden enemies surrounding you in waking life. They might be harboring some malicious intentions to harm you and ruin your reputation. 

The dream is a warning sign for you. You are to trust people with caution and need to defend yourself if you fall in a pit unknowingly.

Such a dream is a bad sign as it indicates impending dangers and sufferings of real life.

Dreaming of having baby girl – Spiritual Meaning

Summary: To see a baby girl in dreams is a sign of a fresh start, new perspectives, spiritual growth by letting go of old habits and primitive behaviors that were hindering your personal growth endeavors.

When you dream of having a baby girl, it symbolizes a happy home where happiness and peace co-exists in harmony. It represents balance and control over adverse life events that were going out of hand. Sometimes, a girl baby also means a truthful and faithful living by carrying on your responsibilities in the right way.

Such a dream gives the message of everything good coming into the household. The positive vibes created in the house fosters growth of individual family members and can bring prosperity and progress in important aspects of their lives.

A baby girl in dreams also means ‘divine feminine’. It suggests female related qualities of deep understanding and love, kindness, humility, receptivity and intuitions. The symbol of a baby girl symbolizes comfort, elegance, compassion, and nurturance.

Spiritually, baby girls are the symbol of your vulnerable self that needs an inner healing and rejuvenation. It represents the passive, submissive qualities of the dreamer. The dream reminds you to stop worrying and start living. 

It tells you to feel your emotions as it is without being judgemental. The more you will realize yourself, the easier it will be to connect with your higher self.

Dreaming of baby girls – Biblical Meaning

Summary: The Bible interprets dreams about a baby girl as a sign of new purpose in life. You have started a new journey that will add more meaning to whatever you are doing. Baby girls are a dream symbol of love and gentleness.

Seeing a baby girl is a sign of hope. It symbolizes your fight back attitude and your struggles to combat the evil life forces. The dream symbolizes positive energy that can remove darkness of the soul and can enlighten it with new hope and happiness. 

When you dream of giving birth to a baby girl, it means that you will accept all the new changes happening in your life. You will have inner strength to overcome the nasty issues of waking life without getting overwhelmed. Slowly you will come out in your best and evolved ‘self’ like never before.

Dreaming of having a baby girl – the good and the ugly

Every dream carries a set of good and ugly features that characterizes it’s worth and relevance to real life situations. The dream interpretations of dreaming about baby girls also carry positive and negative connotations. The positive side of such a dream are:

  • New beginning
  • Fresh ideas
  • Creative endeavors taking shape in reality
  • Compassion
  • Resilience
  • Being gentle and kind
  • Hope
  • Much awaited good news coming your way
  • Marital bliss
  • Strong family bonding
  • Rejoice

The downside of dreaming of baby girls are:

  • Insecure and vulnerabilities
  • Lack of confidence
  • Poor acknowledgement of feelings
  • Self-doubt
  • Passive and submissive
  • Inner weakness
  • Feelings emotionally overwhelmed
  • Easily susceptible to pain and sufferings

Questions to ask yourself when you dream of having a baby girl

Seeing a baby girl in dreams means differently depending upon the dream theme and the emotions attached with it. In order to correctly interpret such dream symbolism, you can ask yourself some questions to decipher the meanings in a better way.

  • Are you pregnant in real life?
  • Do you harbor a hidden wish to conceive a baby girl?
  • How well can you relate the dream themes in your waking life?
  • Are you feeling insecure and emotionally stressed out?
  • Are you happy with your current life status or looking ahead for a positive change?
  • How did you feel after waking up from such a pleasant dream?

The video link given below shows the symbolic meaning of dreaming about baby girls.

Wrap Up

By now, it is quite evident that baby girls in dreams are a positive sign of growth and prosperous living. It means a lot of good things coming into your life unexpectedly. 

Dreams about little girls are a blessing to enjoy and live life to the fullest. It conveys the message of brightness all around you; motivates you to remove the negative energies surrounding you.

Since the dreams can mean a lot of things, it’s up to you how to interpret the meaning and use its relevance in removing past mistakes and figure out things to make a happy living out of it.

If you get dreams about Cancelled Wedding then check its meaning here.