Dreams about being hunted are a sign that you have unaddressed issues in real life. Maybe, you are feeling anxious or even riled up in fear but have chosen to tuck it away, for certain reasons.
From another perspective, the scenario might have a clue to the solution you are currently seeking in your waking life.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Being Hunted?
Generally, dreams about being hunted are associated with situations that have left you feeling guilty, remorseful, and traumatic. And those emotions might have manifested themselves as animals, people, or even unknown beings haunting and hunting you in your dreams.
Depending on the scenario and your waking life circumstances, these dreams might even provide you with insights to decode a message the subconscious has conveyed to you.
Also, a dream about someone or something hunting you symbolizes your expectations and notions which are quite unrealistic. If you find this relatable, consider taking a step back, look at it again from a broader perspective and try to focus on a feasible goal.
A Dream About Being Hunted – Various Scenarios and Their Interpretations
A dream about being hunted can be interpreted differently depending on who or what was hunting you.
Needless to say, a witch at your heels in the depths of a jungle will carry a different meaning from a police dog hunting you down the street. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the most common scenarios about being hunted.
A dream of being chased and hunted
This dream gives a positive message. It is a sign from the universe that you can and will handle the changes and challenges of life courageously.
On the other hand, the dream shows you are not an independent person and lacks communication skills which can cause hurdles here and there every now and then.
It can also mean you are confused about which life you should take going forward.
Hunted down and shot in a dream
If you dream about being hunted down and shot, it suggests you feel neglected in reality. In this regard, the higher self encourages you to work on your communication skills.
It could also be a sign that you will get an insight about yourself – something that will help pave the way for new opportunities as you discover your true potential.
A dream about being hunted and killed
According to the dream, you lack boundaries and often allow others to take control over you. On the other hand, the dream reveals you are too secretive and closed off.
Such a dream can also indicate a promising new beginning as you establish a connection with a particular person on a spiritual or intellectual level.
A family member hunting you
If you dream about being hunted by a family member, the dream symbolizes stress and anxiety, probably caused by personal or family-related issues.
Being hunted by a boss or colleague
A scenario wherein you are hunted by a colleague/ boss or someone from work is closely connected to stress induced by work.
Being chased and hunted by a stranger
According to the scenario, you feel anxious, restless, and fidgety without being aware of what’s causing it.
Perhaps you are ignoring a problem or a loved one despite knowing deep down that you have to come around sooner or later.
Being hunted by a group of people
This dream suggests you feel overwhelmed and are under a lot of pressure, probably because you tend to overthink.
It could also be interpreted as a sign of not having focus in your life. That said, the dream points out the need to have a goal and make a clear plan to achieve it.
Being hunted by a gang of criminals
Being hunted by a gang of criminals shows you are too submissive often to the point that you allow people to walk over you.
If that’s you, the dream says you have to be assertive if you want to get ahead in life. Else you will remain in the shadow of others forever.
Being chased and hunted down by the police
This dream suggests either the need to incorporate discipline in your life or portends conflicts you might get into with people of authority.
It could also hint at your bottled-up feelings and emotions.
Being chased and hunted down by an attacker
This dream shows you are avoiding something fearful and confusing in real life.
If you manage to run away, it indicates you are under a lot of pressure and wishes to flee from your problems.
Being chased and hunted by a madman
This dream represents deep emotions that you don’t deal with in real life.
Here, the madman is a manifestation of those emotions such as fear or anger, coming after you since you don’t address them in reality.
Being hunted by a serial killer
Being hunted by a serial killer suggests you are indecisive, most of the time. You tend to go back and forth on your decisions.
It can also mean you seek changes and transformation in your life.
Being chased and hunted by a dog
According to the plot, you are filled with guilt on account of a few unforgivable things you have done to harm others.
It can also mean you are in danger and may get caught in a trap.
Being hunted by a snake
If you owe money to anyone, a snake hunting you show the person or people you owe money to will show up at your doorstep anytime soon.
Spiritual Meaning Of A Dream About Being Hunted
The dream reveals you feel stressed owing to some present circumstances. The tendency to escape reality is also indicated.
Alternatively, it could also mean you are making progress and are getting nearer to your goals.
Dreams about being hunted are quite a common dream. They represent your real-life problems and the traumatic feelings you have to deal with.
A lot of us repressed some parts of ourselves for fear that we won’t be able to handle them. And in this context, the pursuer or the attacker is a manifestation of these hidden feelings.