Human mind can get incredibly complex and creative when it comes to weird dreaming. One such ‘flight of fantasy’ is the flying dream.  For many of us, these lucid dreams are euphoric, easy-going, and fun. But there are few who think these dreams are fearful, scary, and confusing.

In this article, you would be knowing about the type of dreams about flying and their symbolic meaning in real life situations.

40 Types of Flying Dreams & Its Interpretations
Various Types of Flying Dreams & Its Interpretations

Flying dream meaning

Whenever you see a flying dream, it means you have freed yourself from daily hassles and obstacles. The dream symbolizes personal freedom, willpower, hope, and lightness of being along with embracing new possibilities and living life to the fullest.

In common dream symbolism, flying dream is an enjoyable experience, thus symbolizing a happy expression of personal fulfillment and elation. The dream symbolizes a sign of hope and opportunities. You have taken a greater leap to accomplish everything that you have silently wished for. 

Like dreams about plane crash, flying dreams can have positive and negative meanings depending upon your life circumstances in waking hours. Negatively flying dreams are all about lack of control over situations, emotional highs, anxiety and fear, and some unavoidable practical difficulties of your waking life.

In general flying dreams mean the following:

  • New opportunities
  • Hope and fresh outlook towards life
  • A positive change as you are soaring high with confidence
  • Creative endeavors
  • Self-realization and a profound sense of control over ugly issues in waking life
  • New perspectives that enables you to see things from varied angles
  • Independent mindset
  • Invincible and bold attitude, as if you are not born to suffer a defeat.
  • These lucid dreaming means escape and avoidance from stressful life situations
  • You are brimming with incredible potentials
  • Reaching your highest life goal
  • Confronting and overcoming fears
  • Spiritual awakening and connecting to your higher self.

Flying dreams are symbolic of liberating yourself from the shackles of everyday hurdles. For you, the sky’s the limit. It means you have the ability to face adversities and crises, no matter what happens. You believe in striking the right chord of opportunity at the right time.

Are you getting flying dreams lately and seeing yourself taking off in your first solo flight without anybody else? How did you feel? Were you happy and excited or waived by worries and fear? The flying symbol is all about freeing yourself from setbacks and widening your horizon. 

Perhaps the most logical psychological explanation of flying dreams is the dreamer’s ability to rise above crisis and meet life goals efficiently.

Symbolically, flying dreams mean the following:

1. Heightened sense of freedom

Flying dreams symbolize your need for freedom and independence. You are free to reach new heights of excellence and can easily transcend difficult situations of your waking life. It means to be free from restrictions and setbacks. There is nothing that can hold you from reaching your goal. 

You have overcome your personal limitations successfully and have embarked upon a journey of creativity and fulfilment. Flying dreams are about exploring innovative ways of goal accomplishment with more willpower and inner strength.

2. Escaping a burden

Whenever you see dreams about flying it means you had a breakthrough in waking life where you have successfully escaped from a problem. You have achieved a higher sense of success towards goal realization. The dream holds a positive meaning of personal growth and empowerment. To dream about flying also means avoiding and ignoring real life stresses and getting some solace by taking a flight; symbolic of getaway from things.

3. Flying means feeling above others

When you dream about flying, you may consider yourself extra powerful and undefeatable. You have super powers to confront difficult issues in your waking life. Perhaps you feel the pride of being superior and better than others. An inflated sense of self gets into your ‘psyche’ and you may develop a tendency to humiliate and insult others around you.

4. Control of life events

If you are having a comfortable and enjoyable flight it means you have the ability in your life and living. You have the power to overcome life difficulties with ease. The dream reminds you to face challenges that come your way without getting emotionally overwhelmed. When you are in control of your thoughts and emotions, you can develop a positive mindset to combat worries and accept things easily; as if to fly and float with the flow of time.

5. Broader perspective in life

Dreams about flying symbolizes your personal ability to see things from a wider perspective. It represents hope and new beginnings. You have the ability to handle difficult situations with ease and grace. 

There is no biased judgement that can cloud your vision and perspectives in life. The flying dream denotes your ability to see the larger picture and that keeps you ahead of others.

6. Symbol of change and transition

Flying dreams are symbols of change and transition in waking life. You are in a new phase of life such as into a new relationship or a new job. These dreams remind you to rise up above adversities, denoting a radical transformation to something good and wonderful. 

People report seeing flying dreams during pregnancy because of excitement and elation of the new changes coming in due course of time.

7. Losing contact with real scenarios in life

Sometimes flying dreams mean unrealistic power to combat all odds in life. But, in reality we are humans; and limitations are a part of our existence. These dreams give you a feeling of losing touch with reality; as if you can escape any obstacles in life and still be happy and blissful. But rarely is it like this. 

When you lose touch with real life issues, it denotes avoiding them. In the long run, small problems may become extremely big and intolerable only because you never had the guts to confront them in reality. In this sense, flying dreams hold a bad sign of running away and ignoring real life issues.

40 types of flying dreams

Flying dreams carry the metaphoric meaning of new possibilities and hope. There is nothing in life that you cannot do or achieve. Usually these dreams are happy experiences for the dreamer but in certain cases, these dreams are symbolic of fear and uncertainty. 

The dream interpretation depends upon the context of the dream, your emotions attached with it and the real life issues of your present day. In this section we are going to discuss the common types of dreams about flying and their symbolic meaning.

1. Dream of flying in a plane

When you dream of flying in a plane, it symbolizes your ability to overcome obstacles and rise above adversities. It denotes control over the real life situation. You are clear about your destination and can easily reach there with courage and confidence. Airplanes denote life’s journey with freedom and independence. You are sure of your decisions and pretty confident of your plans and ideas and how to accomplish them in waking life.

2. Dreams of flying or floating

The dreams of flying and floating represent similar meanings. Both these activities denote freedom of expression. You are free and independent to move ahead in life. The dream represents a positive sign of self-growth. A typical floating dream where you see yourself happy and blissful, it means serenity and stability in waking life. 

There are minimal hurdles that you can easily overcome. Such dream themes usually means a good sign of emotional stability and spiritual awakening. Flying and floating dreams symbolize your profound ability to overcome obstacles and soar high with determination and a positive mindset. It denotes your ambitions and life goals that are riding higher and higher and reaching new heights.

3. Flying in the sky dream meaning

If you dream about flying in the sky, it represents your inherent desire to free yourself from all bondage and experience ecstasy and jubilation. It represents success and to be on the top. A clean blue sky in dreams represents hope and fresh beginnings. It symbolizes peace and joy. On the flip side, if you dream of flying in cloudy skies, it represents storms in your everyday life. 

The dream reminds you that the dark clouds will fade and you will soon see the sunshine in your waking life. The sky symbolizes inner strength and your ability to rise above crisis. You have a powerful personality and you can attain things whatever you have wished for. There will always be a reason to smile.

4. Dream of flying over water

This dream symbolizes that you have risen above your setbacks and obstacles. The emotions attached with real life issues were handled skillfully. Water denotes the flow of emotions. Thus flying over water is a dream symbol of overcoming worries and moving with the flow of life. 

This dream reminds you to stay mindful, develop clarity, and gain insight into your daily lives. In doing so you can easily understand the changes happening around. The dream represents overcoming fear and connecting with your inner self to handle emotional highs and conquer the bad ones.

5. Dream about being able to fly

A dream symbolism of this type denotes hope and new possibilities coming your way. The dream reminds you to stay focused and believe in your abilities. You are powerful to soar high up in the sky. Being able to fly also means that your qualities will help you in achieving the desired goal. Such dreams give you motivation to stay strong and enjoy your freedom. It reflects your strong willpower and determination to move through adversities.

6. Dream of flying away from danger

When you dream of flying away from danger it represents uncertainty and fear. Some real life situations in your life are creating havoc and you are trying to run away or avoid the situation. To fly away means to escape or elope from stressful situations of waking life. This dream symbolizes obstacles and adversities that you are consciously trying to avoid.

7. Dreaming of birds flying in the house

If you dream of birds flying in the house, it symbolizes severe loss in terms of relationships with either family members or friends. You may suffer a breakup or part away from your friends. This dream symbol is a bad sign and indicates failure in relationships. 

Moreover, if you see a bird flying in from a window and hovering inside the house it represents some pleasant and unexpected news from somewhere is coming soon. In certain dream contexts, birds flying in house means good luck, abundance, and prosperity. This dream symbolizes your ability to rise above adversities and accomplish your goals.

8. Dreams of flying like a bird

When you dream of flying like a bird it symbolizes freedom and free-spirit. The dream symbolizes new opportunities coming your way and making you happy and ecstatic. A dream symbol of this type holds a good sign of optimism and new beginnings. It means your inner strength and empowerment. You have removed all negativities in life and have become limitless.

9. Dreams of falling down while flying

This dream symbolizes bad luck and failure in waking life. To dream about falling down while flying represents decline of your status and personal growth. Maybe, some obstacles of real life are blocking your progress and you seem to fail in your pursuits. The dream suggests lack of control over situations. Your inability to stay focused resulting in decline, failure, and loss of opportunities.

10. Dream of being scared while flying

Flying dreams where you see yourself scared and afraid of the act symbolizes fear of uncertain times. You are fearful of what will happen next. You are afraid of failure and as such can see coming down to the ground while flying. Being scared to fly symbolizes the dreamer’s real life fears and anxieties that just gets manifested in the subconscious mind. Too much negative thinking is stopping you from accomplishing life goals. 

There is some trouble in goal setting; as you fear whether it’s beyond your reach. This dream represents resistance. Maybe, you are scared to take new chances and allow your anxieties to control you and stop you to soar high. There is no jubilation and excitement in the process of goal realization because your fears have started controlling you.

11. Flying low in dreams meaning

If you see yourself flying low and close to the ground, it means you are holding back your inner strength. Maybe the ongoing issues of your waking life is not allowing you to take a chance and live a life of your choice. To hover near the ground means you are tied down, trapped in waking life problems and it’s stopping you to succeed in life. As if you are stopped and prevented from flying too high. 

This dream symbolizes a meaning of letting others down. You are looking down upon others and trying to act judgmentally. This dream also means to possess a fixed mindset that prevents you from seeing things from various perspectives. A flying dream of this type represents personal fear, insecurity, and failure to achieve goals.

12. Flying dream into things like ropes or wires

When you dream of flying and getting stuck in a rope, it means a feeling of being trapped and entangled in waking life problems from where escape seems to be difficult. The subconscious mind is reminding you to fly high with caution and care. It reminds you to be careful with your action and review your path more judiciously.

13. Flying dream of a solo flight

When you dream of flying alone, it means you are confident, skillful, and creative in your waking life. You are confident, skillful, and creative in your waking life. You know your life goals well and are capable enough to achieve them. It signifies that your real life situation is pretty comfortable to take chances and make things happen.

14. Flying high in dreams meaning

This dream theme denotes your euphoria, exuberance, and happiness in life when you have achieved something successfully. The sense ‘flying high’ denotes success and freedom from obstacles. In waking life, this dream symbolizes victory in significant areas of life such as work, relationships, finance, and career etc. A flying dream of this type represents new hopes and aspirations. You are in a high spirit, lofty domain where failure cannot touch you.

 In a negative way, this dream can also mean pride and show off. You may feel out of the world and tend to boast in front of others; letting others down and considering oneself as superior. Flying high symbolizes your ability to see things from different perspectives. You are empowered to develop a clear vision of what’s going on in your waking life.

15. Dreaming about trying to fly

When you dream about trying to fly but unable to fly well, it means that there are obstructions in your waking life that are stopping you from flying high. It also indicates your inability to rise the social ladder; because you are unpopular and asocial. This dream symbolizes your personal limitations that are stopping you from realizing your dreams. Your desperate attempts to fly and soar high in success is going in vain.

16. Dreams about a long flight

If you see yourself flying for a long time, it means you are in a comfortable position in your waking life and are not looking for much change. You are doubtful of what’s coming next so do not wish to make any changes. There is an inherent fear of failure because things may not work out accordingly. Your plans may fail; so you are not eager to take chances and take a plunge.

17. Flying dream over a landscape covered with snow

This dream represents a positive sign. Something good and exciting may happen in your waking life. Things will work out easily in life. Maybe, it’s indicating a quick success in career, job, or relationships. The snow represents purity of thoughts and actions. A flying dream over snowy landscape also means future success, your ability to remove odds and move ahead in life.

18. Flying dream with troubles staying in air

If you see a flying dream where you are struggling to stay afloat in air, it symbolizes your inability to remain calm and focused in waking life. Maybe, the real life issues and problems are making you emotionally overwhelmed. The dream suggests that something is holding you back from moving ahead. You lack confidence and feel stuck in life. There are fears and anxieties in real life that are manifested in the dream theme.

19. Flying dreams in outer space

When you see flying in outer space, this dream suggests some life changing events taking place in your waking life. The dream means unusual happenings for which you were not prepared. The events are usually negative and it can induce a lot of fear and uncertainty. An outer space also denotes moving away from reality, so this dream means escape and avoidance of real life troubles. It indicates loss of touch with reality.

20. Flying dream with someone else

If you have dreamt of flying with someone else by holding hands with each other then it symbolizes romantic relationships of waking life. The dream represents passion, love, and gratitude to have a caring person in your love life. The dream suggests happiness and jubilation to hold each other’s hand and sail through life’s journey. To fly with someone else also means to share a mental space of comfort and peace.

21. Flying dream while in bed

When you dream of flying while in bed, this dream symbolizes sudden and unexpected happenings in your real life. It indicates an unpleasant happening and you are feeling unprotected from within. Since a bed symbolizes a comfortable space, flying over it means lack of stability in personal life.

22. Flying dream while riding on an animal

If you dream of flying while riding on an animal, it means emotionally overwhelming responses to some stressful situations in waking life. This dream symbolizes fear of the unknown and your inability to deal with negative emotions. Moreover, in certain other dream contexts, flying dreams of this kind symbolize self-sabotaging behaviors of the dreamer, the ‘wild’ self that goes uncontrolled and untamed in waking life.

23. Flying dream while sitting on a chair

Flying dreams of this type is a bad sign. It means misfortune that is going to make your life uncertain and stressful. The dream symbolizes sudden loss of job, death in the family, breakup with a partner etc. sitting on the chair and flying high means lack of stability and security. You are not fully grounded and secure in your waking life.

24. Flying dream in an air balloon

To fly in an air balloon symbolizes the attention others are giving you in real life. This dream symbol hints towards good social relationships. You may feel loved and accepted by others. The dream reminds you to be grateful for this and tells you to repay the kindness whenever needed.

25. Flying dream with angels

This flying dream is a good sign. It symbolizes respect, honor, and recognition in waking life. The dream symbolizes your high esteem in front of others. Maybe in your real life situations, you have done something great for which people are appreciating and recognizing you. This dream is a positive omen to build your self-image as well.

26. Flying dream in a boat

To fly in a boat is a good sign of luck and prosperity. You should work on projects diligently and it will soon fetch good results. The dream symbolizes successful endeavors without many obstacles around. You are free from worries and can even enjoy a fulfilled living.

27. Dream about flying with difficulties

A dream theme of this type indicates real life obstacles and difficulties that’s stopping you from realizing your goals. The dream suggests that you do not have the power to control the difficult situations of life. Rather, you are feeling helpless and hopeless of how to go about it. The dream symbolizes lack of self-confidence and overwhelming emotions.

28. Flying dreams using some device

If you see flying with the help of some mechanical device then it means material possession in near future. This can give you much happiness and thus you are in high spirits in your waking life. The dream carries a positive message of growth and economic gains. You may prosper in your job or get some unexpected financial gain from unknown sources.

29. Dreams about a short flight

A short flight in dreams means you have quickly overcome the problems of your waking life. This dream symbolizes finishing something easily and without much hurdles. Maybe, your real life issues were solved with a quick fix that you have never expected. A short flight means minor obstacles that were removed comfortably and you could again soar high with esteem and confidence.

30. Dreams about a fantastic and easy flight

If your flight experience is easy and joyful without much hassles and obstructions it represents an easy going life. Your waking life is comfortable with minimal roadblocks. You will be able to handle your waking life issues comfortably without sweating it out. Whenever you dream about a fantastic flight, it represents freedom from negative thoughts and emotions that were holding you back previously. Now you are in a state of euphoria and just want to fly high without tension. Your waking life is moving smoothly and there is nothing much to be bothered about.

31. Flying dreams in specific directions

It is important to know the direction of your flight high up in the sky while interpreting the meaning of the dream. If you fly upwards towards dense clouds it represents spiritual ascension. Your soul is released from worldly ties. If you see yourself flying down, it means grounding and touch with reality. If you are flying close to the ground, it means strength and confidence to fight real life odds. 

To fly in backward directions symbolizes you wish to relive the past memories of your life. When you glide over buildings, tall towers, and city vicinity while flying, it means you are empowered and feeling like a superhero. If you fly straight in the air, it represents that you strive to reach new elevations.

32. Flying dream over some ruins

When you see flying over some ruins and destructive landscape, it means you are in a state of boredom in your waking life. Your daily life has become a mere routine and you are looking for some change and excitement. The dream reminds you to take a call and start a new hobby, or an adventure sport, or something that you love to do. This will help you to bust the boredom and monotony in your present life. 

Types of flying dreams with mammals, birds, and insects

You can even see dreams of flying with other birds and insects. It also holds specific connotations in your waking life. Let’s see how.

33. Flying dream with birds chirping and chattering

This dream symbolizes gossip and back-biting by known people in waking life. Some people are pouring flying words into your ears and making your life a miserable one.

34. Flying dream with butterflies

When you see flying with butterflies, it symbolizes transition and good change in real life. It symbolizes a positive omen of sudden good news like a career breakthrough or embarking on a new job role etc.

35. Flying dream with bats

When you fly with bats, it symbolizes tapping your intuition in order to understand your current life status. Bats are symbols of ‘flying blind’ meaning it reminds you to see a bigger picture of a situation before arriving at a decision. Bats fly with awareness of their surroundings. Thus this dream symbolizes to tune yourself with the natural rhythms of the Universe. It reminds you to focus on inner well-being and move towards a path of self-realization.

36. Flying dream with dragonfly

A flying dream with a dragonfly symbolizes adaptation, joy, purity, and illumination. It means to light up your soul and move towards transformation and immortality.

37. Flying dreams with an eagle

Eagles are the hunting birds that have keen eyesight and navigation skills. This Bird symbolizes freedom and free spirit. When you see yourself flying with eagles it means you are independent in your thoughts and actions. You are a keen observer and a good decision maker. You have freed yourself from waking life problems and soared high towards success.

38. Flying dream with fly

A flying dream where flies are flying with you means that some issues of your real life are getting sour and worse day by day. Maybe, the solutions to these problems are not falling in place. Examples can be a failing relationship, a turmoil job status etc. this dream means lack of stability and your inability to find a way out of such problematic situations.

39. Flying dream with raven

A raven symbolizes spiritual connection and awakening. Thus, flying dreams of this type represents that a deceased loved one is protecting and safeguarding you from all evils in your waking life. The deceased spirit guide is supporting you in times of adversities. It’s guiding your life’s path towards light and hope.

40. Flying dream with crows and doves

A flying dream with dove symbolizes peace and poise in real life. It’s a messenger of purity, love, joy, and wisdom. The bird reminds you to stay grounded and live in the moments. Perhaps, dreams about crows while flying symbolizes a bad omen, crows are vocal creatures that means hidden danger and verbal conflicts with someone in your waking life. It also denotes bad mouth, criticism by someone close to you.

Biblical meaning of flying dreams

In the Bible, flying dreams symbolize empowerment, reaching elevated heights of success and accomplishment. It symbolizes your free spirit, freedom, and willpower to fight all adverse situations easily.

When you dream about flying in the air, it represents your self-confidence and ambitions. Biblically the dream reminds you to be liberated from the shackles of daily life issues. To free yourself and pursue interests of your choice. Negatively, the bible considers flying dreams as an act of cowardice where you try to escape from real life situations. 

You try to run away from events that are causing or may cause immense problems in future. Flying dreams also represent your instability, lack of happiness in real life. You have no control over your life circumstances. If you see you are wandering aimlessly while flying in the sky, it symbolizes your lack of intuition and vision. 

You have become purposeless and do not know how to accomplish life goals. Mostly the Bible considers these dreams as a positive sign of new possibilities to move on to higher levels of growth and success. It’s a breakthrough that lifts you to a higher plane of wisdom and intuitive knowledge.

Spiritual meaning of flying dreams

Spiritually, flying dream symbols mean inner strength and win over enemies. It means freedom from life troubles and an expansion of your spiritual elevation. You have flown high, much above Earthly desires. The dream symbolizes spiritual awakening and connecting with your higher self.

From early days of human civilization, flying dreams may mean that a person’s soul has left his or her mortal body and moved towards a higher plane of liberation and freedom from worldly ties. Thus, spiritually flying dreams represent salvation, independence, and renunciation. As the soul is eternal and never dies, the dreams remind you to let go of past issues and move towards spiritual ascension. Then only you can liberate yourself from worldly affairs and connect with the divine powers.

The dreams also means that your deceased loved ones are watching you and shall protect you from all that is evil. The Native Americans, the Hindus, and Tibetans held the belief that flying dreams signify departed souls and your deeper emotional connections with them. These dreams are also connected with astral projections, where the dreamer experiences higher spiritual vibrations that allows them to take a solo flight confidently. It’s all about increased intuition and clairvoyance.

Psychological meaning of flying dreams

Flying is something that is not known to the human race. But the thought of flying high and floating on air has fascinated us for ages. A fly signifies liberation from worldly problems. Psychologically, it means avoiding pain and seeking pleasure. The obstructions that have held you down are broken and you could see yourself free to fly in the air. 

This dream represents your craving for independence. Many psychologists also think that flying dreams denote ambition. You are too inclined to achieve things that are not needed. Thus, embarking on a process of undue stress and storm. Too much ambition puts you in anxiety and you tend to lose your inner peace.

According to Sigmund Freud, flying dreams are about repressed sexual energies that craves for manifestation. Thus, the dreamer lives in a state of euphoria and satisfaction while fantasizing on this dream theme. Flying in dreams is a symbol of uncertainty, fear, and lack of control over your thoughts and emotions. It indicates lack of grounding and touch with reality, making you more anxious and bewildered in daily lives.

Interpretation of flying dreams (The good and the ugly)

Flying dreams can have a plethora of meanings when it comes to judging these night time visions. These lucid dreams can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. 

The good signs of such dreams are:

  • Personal sense of strength and inner power
  • Freedom of thought and expression
  • Independent mindset
  • Control over complicated issues
  • Elation, happiness, and euphoria
  • Optimism and new possibilities
  • Ability to fly symbolize high spirit and free will
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • Out of body experience
  • Spiritual ascension

The downside of flying dreams are:

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Uncertainty and confusion leading to poor decision making
  • Concerned about real life issues
  • Inability to cope with fear
  •  Danger and chaos in waking life and escaping from them
  • Overwhelming emotions

What to ask yourself when you have a flying dream?

When you dream about flying with fear, it represents unstable real life circumstances. Contrary, seeing yourself confident while flying represents euphoria and excitement. The dream interpreters say that the real meaning of flying dreams depends upon the context of the dream and your emotions related to it after you wake up. When you see such dreams you need to ask yourself certain questions to decipher the real meaning of the dream and decode its symbolic interpretations.

  • How often do you get flying dreams?
  • Were you flying alone or with someone
  • Did you land safely after the flight?
  • For how long did you fly? Could you see the ground from high up in the sky?
  • What events took place while flying?
  • How did you feel the experience of flying? Was it gentle or anxious?
  • Describe what you could see around the sky?
  • Did you see birds and insects while flying? What were they doing?
  • Can you relate the dream theme with your waking life?
  • Are you doing anything to get control of the dream you are seeing repeatedly?

The video link given below describes the meaning and symbolism and flying dreams.

Wrap Up

The dream of flying is an experience of listening to your inner call. The lucid flying dreams give hope amidst despair and anguish. Soaring high up in the sky is a sign of newly found freedom and independence. Usually these dreams are positive in nature and indicates that you are ready to take the next step forward. These dreams are also analogous to your ambitions and goals in life.

It is up to you to draw insight and clarity from such dreams and build a beautiful life of your choice; to assist yourself reach elevated heights of success and goal accomplishment.