You have been walking through a white magical landscape or a forbidden land. The wilderness of this icy and picturesque countryside made you feel pure and divine. Suddenly a loud doorbell made you realize that you were dreaming of snow. Right?”

After all, it took some time to understand that it was just a sweet dream. You were trying to contemplate why you see such a dream? Is your subconscious trying to tell you something in disguise? Are you ready to listen to it?

Continue reading to know more about snowy dreams and the way it relates to your waking life.

Dreaming of Snow - 55 Dream Scenarios Explained
Dreaming of Snow – Various Dream Scenarios Explained

Snow Dream Meaning – General Interpretation

When you dream about snow, it means purity of thoughts and actions. The dream represents a process of emotional cleansing and a let go of past sufferings; giving a way to a fresh beginning in life.

It also means feeling of being isolated and deserted; reflecting deep sorrow and despair.

Besides, dreaming of snow can have both positive and negative interpretations depending upon your waking life conditions and the associated emotions related to the dream theme.

The white color of the snow symbolizes purity, sanctity, cleansing, healing, and transformation.

Generally, snow in dreams symbolizes the deeper feelings of the dreamer. As snow is cold and fragile, it represents challenging times coming ahead that can help you grow and evolve spiritually.

You will soon embark upon a positive phase of life that will be happy and peaceful.

Dreaming of snow also means new beginnings in life after facing many hurdles on the way.

The dream symbol indicates good luck, growth, goal accomplishment, and prosperity. It denotes the end of one phase and beginning of a new phase in life that will be more fulfilling, concrete and tangible going further.

Snow is condensed water; so it represents cold emotions, inner conflicts, and a lack of ability to express your emotions in the right way. If you are dreaming of snow quite frequently, it symbolizes serenity and good times coming ahead.

These dreams are symbolic revelations of real life. It is associated with nostalgia, ageing, revisiting old days and the golden memories that were fulfilling and you would always love to cherish them in reality.

In certain dream themes, dreaming of snow is interpreted negatively. It represents disappointments, emotional exhaustion, loneliness, and indecisiveness.

Symbolically dreams about snow means the following:

1. Translucent thoughts

Snow has a translucent surface through which light cannot pass and you cannot see through the other side clearly.

Likewise if you are dreaming of snow, it means your perceptions are blocked and thoughts have become clouded. You cannot see things in the front and totally remain unaware of what’s coming towards you in waking life. 

Sometimes life throws challenges towards you and you may feel uncertain of what’s going to happen in future.

Thus it is creating a sense of uncertainty and fear that needs to be resolved to get a clearer view of the situation and reach your life goals easily.

2. You are emotionally aloof and distant

Dreaming of snow would mean that you are not expressing your feelings freely. You are trying to hold on to past issues and its bottling up pent up tensions in you that calls for an inner healing and cleansing.

You have locked up negative feelings that’s hurting you and giving you more suffering in return. 

As the snow is a solid state of water, dreaming of snow means your emotions have become rock hard and dry.

Keeping them inside has led to more frustration, agony, and bitterness. You will have to speak about the ongoing issues with your loved ones and start giving an outlet to these suppressed tensions, so as to feel emotionally sound.

3. A fresh beginning

If you are seeing snow in dreams quite often, it means that you are going to start a fresh journey of your life soon.

Examples can be like: marriage, parenthood, new career opportunity etc. It means a new chapter in your life has just begun that can bring happiness, peace, growth, and progress. 

Dreaming of a snowy landscape means purity and tranquility. It symbolizes poise and serenity in whatever you are doing in your waking life.

The dream symbolizes good times coming ahead that will give you a sense of balance, security, and another chance to fulfill your life goals.

Dreaming of snow also means a transition from something bad to good. The dream denotes a new beginning that you have been waiting for a long time.

4. Inner peace

The white color is a symbol of purity of thoughts and actions. The dream symbolizes purity, knowledge, intuition, and serenity.

The dream represents your ability to remove odds from your life by using the power of your thoughts.

Example: if you are going through a rough patch in your love life, dreams about snow could mean that you will figure out the issues of waking life successfully.

5. Little joys of life

You must have played with snow many times, during winters or in a hilly place. Right? It gave you immense pleasure and joy as well. Perhaps, this indicates that dreaming of snow means you are enjoying the tiny joys of life. 

The dreams symbolize that you are happy and grateful for whatever you have. You have the ability to appreciate the small things in life and that adds value to your character. 

Dreaming of snow is a reminder for you to nurture your heart with gratitude, love, and peace. If you are content with the tiny joys of life, it means you have grown spiritually and shall never feel sorry for the things that you cannot have.

6. Hiding or concealing deeper issues

Snow covers everything on a landscape during a fall and you cannot see what lies beneath it. Likewise, dreams about snow symbolizes emotions, hidden conflicts that you are trying to conceal in waking life. 

You are anxious, insecure, and frustrated with your inner workings and are not comfortable bringing those on the surface.

You have not learned to admit those issues; as if trying to escape from them in reality. The deepest fears and insecurities are hidden in the unconscious and it has made you emotionally cold and volatile.

7. Inner healing and spiritual cleansing

In certain dream themes, snow represents inner healing and cleansing. It symbolizes emotional relief and catharsis.

The dreams symbolize the end of suffering and grief. It also means inner strength and resilience to raise yourself in trying times and move on despite hardships.

8. Goal accomplishment

Sometimes dreaming of snow symbolizes successful completion of goals. The dream denotes the trial and error that you may use to shape your creative endeavors and shape it in reality. When you dream of heavy snow, it means a path full of hardships and struggles but at the end you will come out with flying colors.

9. Innocence and purity

The white color of the snow symbolizes innocence and simplicity. Dreaming of snow symbolizes that you have the heart of a child.

You are simple, easy-going, pure, and untainted. Your untainted ‘self’ is symbolic of pure love and happiness.

You are the one who loves to spend time in nature. The dream tells you to nurture the goodness in you and remain as generous and loving as possible. 

Dreaming of Snow – 55 Dream Scenarios Explained

Dreaming of snow carries deeper meanings and symbolizes the secret intentions, emotional mayhem going on in the dreamer’s waking life.

In this section, we will discuss the common dream themes about snow and help you analyze and interpret your snowy visions.

1. Dream of walking in snow

When you dream of walking on snow, it means good things will come to you soon. The dream symbolizes new opportunities for growth and prosperous living.

If you see footprints on the snow, the dream theme means positive news, goal accomplishment.

If you dream of walking barefoot on the snow and feel cold under your feet, it means loneliness, a feeling of being lost in the wilderness.

Sometimes, the dream theme may also mean negatively. Moving about on a snowy landscape requires extra caution as you may slip or glide down that may cause a fall.

Thus dreaming of walking over snowy landscapes reminds you to be careful about the several unseen hurdles and unknown potholes in your waking life.

You should move slowly and avoid making hasty decisions in life.

2. Dream of driving in snow i.e. over the snowy landscape

If you dream of driving through snowy roads, such a dream symbolizes that you are moving ahead towards your goal despite hurdles.

You are fully aware of the rough patches on the way and you are confident of overwhelming problems soon. It means you are alert, confident, and self-assured of whatever you are doing in waking life.

3. Dream of snow falling

The dream of snowfalls is a good sign for personal growth, happiness, progress, and prosperity.

It is a symbol of good luck and a fresh beginning of some creative ideas that will take a concrete shape in future.

The dream also means that you will achieve the best things in life. Snowfalls also indicate clarity and clear vision of what’s coming towards you in reality.

In certain dream contexts, snowfalls also mean negatively. If you dream of snow falling too heavily, it indicates you need to slow down and review the progress of your goals at periodic intervals; so that it doesn’t fail in the long run.

4. Dream of snow inside the house

When you dream of snow inside the house, it means internal conflicts and emotional upheavals. You are insecure and fearful about something that is not moving smoothly in waking life. 

You are afraid to move forward and reach your goals. The dream symbolizes fear of the unknown; feelings of being confined and stuck in a bad situation. 

This dream tells you to be prepared to act. You need a proper action plan that can guide you in the right way and help you overcome obstacles.

5. Snow skiing dream meaning

A dream about snow skiing means that you are feeling happy and joyful in real-life.

It means you prefer adventure and you can participate in dangerous life activities equally well. The dream denotes freedom, physical skill, balance, and self-confidence.

Dreams about snow skiing also means you are pushing yourself hard to achieve your life goals. If you are dreaming of ski jumping, it means that you will soon start a new project of your life that will be fulfilling.

This dream signifies that you have mastered the ups and downs of life. You are feeling relaxed and free to take risks in life.

6. Dreaming of melting snow

Dreaming of melting snow symbolizes reconciliation, forgiveness, and pardon. The dream symbolizes that you will be able to resolve long standing relationship issues in your waking life.

It indicates forgiving someone who did hurt you in reality. Thawing snow also means you need to pay attention and be flexible with conflicting issues of real-life; so as to resolve them peacefully.

If you dream about melting snow in your hands, it means you need to prepare yourself well before starting a new project; otherwise you may fail in your endeavors.

The dream tells you to be ready and responsible for new roles and projects in life.

7. Falling or slipping on snow in dreams

When you dream of falling or slipping on snow, it means you will face temporary difficulties and obstacles in your waking life.

It could be related to a career, or some project, or a new love relationship you are in. Maybe your relationship with your partner is not working in a desired manner, leading to loss of trust and love. The relationship is getting toxic and disappointing.

The dream also means loss of opportunities, missing out on deadlines at work. The theme of this dream reminds you to be more alert and aware; be present in your moments to get hold of the things that seem to fall apart.

8. Dreaming of dirty snow

Dirty snow in a dream symbolizes hasty decisions, lack of clarity and awareness of the various ongoing issues of waking life.

The dream signifies that you need to be careful about your choices and decisions. You should think carefully, not to hurry about important life issues. 

It’s a warning sign for you to be more careful and alert; so that you do not end up in despair and suffering because of failure and disappointments.

9. Dreaming of a snowball fight

When you are dreaming of a snowball fight, it means that you’ll overcome difficulties and hurdles easily. You are capable of handling things carefully and peacefully. 

A snowball fight also indicates that you are happy and joyful in real-life. In a negative sense, this dream symbolizes conflict with neighbors, or friends and the fight may get serious soon. 

The dream reminds you to stay cool and keep away from harsh sayings, or else you may have a hard time managing the situation. You need to control your anger otherwise the relationship may never be the same again.

10. Dreaming of avalanche covering you

This dream symbolizes a two-faced person in your waking life who can harm you in reality. The dream tells you to remain cautious of such toxic people because they can do permanent damage to your social image and credibility. 

The dream represents unhealthy relationships, distrust, cheating, and malicious intentions of known people in waking life.

In some dream themes, an avalanche of snow indicates your insecure and vulnerable self; clouded thoughts and negative perspectives that makes your vision unclear and hazy. 

You are unable to visualize things with clarity and proper understanding and may make hasty decisions in life for which you will repent later.

11. Dreaming of snow balls

If you are dreaming of snow balls, it represents a time in your waking life when you need to do self-care and healing.

It means you need to step away from your problems for the time being and look after yourself. Seeing snowballs in dreams symbolizes draining of energy, feeling of exhaustion and tiredness.

12. Dream of flying over a snow covered ground

If you dream of flying over a snow covered landscape, it indicates successful love life and rewarding personal relationships.

The dream symbolizes that you and your partner will bring out the best in each other and will complement each other well. The dream indicates harmony, balance, happiness, inner peace and pure love and bonding.

13. Dreaming of a snow covered ground

If you are dreaming of snow on the ground, it means you are not getting rewarded for your efforts in real-life. It suggests that you are trying your best to overcome issues but unable to do so because you are feeling insecure and fearful from within. 

Your self-confidence has gone down because of frequent failures causing gloom and disappointments. The dream tells you to keep on trying until you succeed.

When you see valleys, lakes, and mountains covered in snow, it denotes a positive sign. The dream signifies the end of troubles and a fresh start that may bring new hopes, abundance, and empowerment.

14. Dreaming of a wall of snow

This dream symbolizes financial growth, monetary gain, growth in career, wealth advancement etc. This is a good sign that symbolizes profit and prosperity. You will keep receiving accolades at work and your future will be stable and secure.

15. Dreaming of a blizzard

Dreaming of blizzards means that your waking life is going through severe storms and stress. A blizzard is a fast moving snow storm that is severe and powerful. 

The dream symbolizes an unsettled life with a lot of struggles and emotional upheavals. You may feel stuck and confined and do not know how to overcome it. 

If you see yourself struggling in a cold blizzard with strong winds, it implies that you are trying to gain control of your life. This dream is a bad omen and signifies personal problems that are tight and is stopping you from realizing your life goals.

16. Dreaming of snow glittering in the sun

When you dream of snow glittering in the sun, such a dream means good luck and a new beginning.

The dream symbolizes a new job role, wedding, parenthood, new business venture, and financial gain. This is a positive dream that implies all the goodness that life has in store for you.

17. Dreaming to shovel snow 

To dream of shoveling snow represents that you are involved in a new project where you will have to devote your energy, effort, and commitment.

If you are cleaning away snow from a footpath or a sidewalk, it means you are trying hard to resolve the tiny problems of waking life. 

You may feel drained out or exhausted but need to be resilient and keep going in trying times. Sometimes the dream also means financial difficulties or legal issues that may exhaust you physically and mentally.

18. Dreaming of large snowflakes

If you see large snowflakes falling from the sky on you, it denotes big problems coming in real-life.

The dream reminds you to remain cautious and be prepared to face the challenges. The good news is whatever may come in, you will face everything with courage and overcome them successfully.

19. Dream of getting caught in a snowstorm

Seeing yourself caught in a snowstorm indicates adventure, fun, happiness etc. Such a dream symbolizes happy beginnings, excitement and a new phase of life that will be enriching and fulfilling.

In certain dream themes, the meaning holds a negative connotation. The dream implies cold emotions, feeling numb from within, rigid mindset, depression, regrets, and grief.

20. Dream of being trapped in the snow

This dream can be a nightmare and signifies problems surrounding you at this moment.

You do not know the way out and thus feeling emotionally restless, agitated, fearful, and impatient. Being trapped in snow means feelings of confinement that can restrict your mobility going further.

21. Dream of eating snow

When you dream of eating snow, it symbolizes innocence, untainted mind, youth, and purity. It symbolizes your honesty and trustworthiness. You are the one who cannot do any harm to others.

The dream represents your child-like self that is open to new learning. You can accept others as they are and can understand their good and bad qualities equally well.

The dream denotes your uncomplicated ‘self’ that will help you to get rid of your problems easily. 

22. Dreaming of snow as a natural cover-up

Snow represents the winter season and is readily found in the colder regions of the world.

When you dream of snow as a natural cover up due to cold weather, it means no new growth is taking place in your life because of some blockage in certain aspects of your waking life. 

Winter season with its natural snow often symbolizes hardships, obstacles, isolation, and loneliness.

You may feel stuck and can suffer a lot of emotional and relationship problems in reality. The dream also means inability to express emotions, lack of security in life.

23. Dreams of a frozen or snow covered mountain

This powerful dream symbol represents success and goal accomplishment despite several big obstacles and hurdles coming your way.

Seeing a snow-capped mountain signifies that you are about to see or hear something unexpected in your waking life.

If you dream of climbing the mountain, it means you are ready to embark on a difficult journey. Nothing can stop you from reaching your goals. 

24. Dreaming of a very deep snow

Deep snow in a dream means you are going to ruminate over past memories that are highly unpleasant and painful.

This dream implies deeper wounds and cuts of waking life. Maybe you had a traumatic childhood and you are still carrying the burden of it in adulthood.

Your relationship has fallen apart because of emotional imbalance and mental restlessness.

Deep snow also means loneliness, isolation, cold emotions, numbness etc. The dream symbolizes your deepest fears and insecurities that can guide you towards healing and move ahead in life.

The dream reminds you not to bury the bad things within you; but to let it go and heal from inside.

25. Dream about cleaning snow

This dream symbolizes that you are a responsible person. You never run away from your duties and commitments.

It also means that you believe in finishing tasks and shall never allow others to sabotage your goals. It implies that you will never let others down and shall always keep your promises.

26. Dream about dirty snow

When you dream about dirty snow, it means injustice and humiliation that you have suffered in your waking life.

Maybe you are remembering your enemies and their wrongdoing towards you. Dirty snow is symbolic of toxic relationships that you may have had in your real-life.

It also denotes that others take advantage of your good and kind acts and they use you to fulfill their vested interests.

27. Dreaming of white and clean snow

If you have dreamt of white clean snow, it is not a good sign and indicates terminal illness and long term health problems.

However, in some dream contexts, the meaning is positive as well. The theme denotes purity, strength, clarity, and awareness.

28. Dreaming of being lost in the snow

If you dream of being lost in the snow, it means personal and professional difficulties that are making you feel lost and baffled in real-life.

The dream indicates irrational decision making, poor judgement, feeling overwhelmed, and inability to handle things peacefully amidst crisis.

29. Dreams about fluffy snowfall

This dream symbol is not considered as a good sign. It indicates sadness, grief, and separation from loved ones in future. You may feel left out, ignored, or avoided by your partner.

The dream symbolizes financial problems, relationship issues, failure in new projects that are hard to deal with. Fluffy snow in dreams also means you are emotionally overburdened and feeling restless from inside.

30. Dreams about being afraid of freezing

If you are scared of freezing to death in snowy terrain, it means you are going through a lot of emotional problems arising out of a broken relationship. Failure in love life is making you feel anxious and fearful. 

You are not confident of how to save the relationship and give it another chance to bloom and prosper. The freezing snow denotes cold feelings, isolation. Probably you are feeling inhibited and are not eager to show your true feelings towards your partner.

31. Dreaming of playing in snow

This is a good sign that signifies finding joy in the tiny pleasures of life. Playing in the snow symbolizes that you have kept aside your everyday worries, duties, and tasks and started to pamper your tired soul. 

The dream tells you to open your eyes and look for new opportunities that can help you grow your skills and achieve things the way you wanted.

The dream reminds you to have fun and find your child-like self; to let go of all negativity and anxiety present in your day to day life.

32. Dreams about a snowman

If you dream about a snowman, the dream is not a good sign at all. It is related to emotional numbness, a sad feel, loneliness, feeling emotionally distant and aloof from others.

Seeing a snowman in dreams may denote that there are fake people moving around you. 

They are wearing a mask, with a fake smile and can cause harm to you; if you are not aware of what’s happening around you.

33. Dreams about finding something in snow

When you dream of finding something in snow, the meaning of such a dream depends upon the object found in snow.

If you find a tool in the snow, it symbolizes that you should try to use this tool in reality. 

To find something in snow denotes desires, talents, and emotions that are hidden and needs to be brought to the surface.

Sometimes, this dream symbolizes the inner potentials, skills, and knowhow of the dreamer that he/she may not be aware of.

34. Dream of snow and cold weather

When you are scared of snow and feel cold, it symbolizes confusion and lack of proper decision making in waking life. 

The dream symbol shows that you are insecure and uncertain of how to move forward amidst hardships.

You are feeling threatened and less confident and your immediate environment seems hostile to you. Thus, you are fearful of whether you can thrive in it.

35. Dreaming of snow while pregnant

When a pregnant woman dreams of snow, it is a good sign. The dream means that you will give birth to a healthy baby in your waking life.

Negatively, the dream represents intense emotions during pregnancy. The dream also implies a bad mood, fear and insecurity, and concern about the unborn child.

36. Dreaming of snow and fire

Dreaming of snow and fire together can represent passion, love, deep bonding, and friendship.

Maybe your love life is full of happiness and beautiful moments of togetherness. You and your partner complement each other well in reality. The dream also denotes your selfless, helpful, and compassionate nature.

37. Pure white snow in dream

The white color of the snow in dream signifies purity, innocence, and humility. It symbolizes your selfless nature in waking life.

The dream means that you are entering a new phase of life that will help in cleansing your negative emotions and will pave you towards spiritual growth and awakening.

You will learn to let go of past hurts and forgive those who sin against you.

38. Dream of snow and water

Snow and water in dreams symbolizes intense and free flowing emotions and depicts the positive mindset of the dreamer.

The dream represents solitude and a lonely feeling. It also means you are calm, focused, relaxed in your waking life and these qualities will help you to resolve life issues peacefully. The dream tells you to embrace positive living as always.

39. Dream of drowning in snow

The dream represents a negative sign and is related to lack of emotional mastery. The dream signifies your deepest fears, anxieties, conflicts, and trauma and you are slowly getting buried in them.

You are trapped in emotional struggles and may feel agitated and uncomfortable because of the ongoing issues of waking life.

40. Dreaming of a lot of snow

To dream of a lot of snow symbolizes progress and prosperity in waking life. You will be successful in professional pursuits and co-workers will appreciate your good work.

This dream theme also holds a negative meaning in certain contexts. It means stagnation, loss of time, and poor confidence levels.

41. Dream of ice and snow

This dream is a good sign and symbolizes success and goal accomplishment despite obstacles and hurdles.

Both ice and snow are solid forms of water; thus it also represents deep-seated emotions that may make you feel stuck and prevent you from moving forward in life.

42. Dreaming of dark snow

If the dream symbol consists of dark snow, it symbolizes cold emotions, numbness, and lack of emotional mastery. The dream represents that you may find it hard to overcome difficulties in trying times.

43. Dream of snow at workplace

This dream symbolism manifests troubles at your workplace in real-life. The dream indicates labor issues, fights and disagreements with coworkers, lack of harmony at the workplace.

As snow denotes frigid emotions, it represents poor social bonding, indifferent relationships, lack of support at work etc. The dream means negatively by stating stagnation, lack of progress at work, and failures in realizing life goals.

44. Dream of yellow snow

The color yellow symbolizes new expectations and hope. The dream is a good sign showing growth, eloquence, abundance, financial gain, new job role, career growth etc.

45. Dream about snow in school

This dream is specifically meant for students and teenagers who may find it difficult to achieve good grades and success in academic endeavors. The dream symbolizes block in creative pursuits, failure, poor goal-setting.

46. Dream of snow in an orchard

If you dream of snow in an orchard, it means abundance in all aspects of waking life. The dream also signifies fertile ideas taking shape in reality that can give you immense success and happiness.

47. Dreaming of sledging on fresh snow

Dreaming of sledging through fresh snow implies difficulties, hardships, and obstacles in waking life. It indicates competition to prove your worth amongst others.

The dream reminds you to prepare yourself for any hardships that may come your way without getting upset and overwhelmed. Then only, you can win over the situation.

48. Dreams about snow touching you

This dream symbol represents happy sexual life, fulfilling couple relationships, and happy intimate moments in real-life situations.

The dream signifies mutual love, trust, friendship, pleasure and love making that is satisfying and fulfilling for both the partners.

49. Snow followed by rain in dreams

When you dream of snow followed by rain, it means that you will soon receive some good news and bad news together or one after the other.

The dream symbolizes dual feelings of being happy or sad simultaneously. Sometimes this dream also means disappointments, confusion, and indecisiveness.

50. Dream of snow in summer

The dream symbol denotes pleasant surprises that can make you happy and delighted.

The dream represents a new beginning, changes and improvements in important aspects of waking life. This can improve your life and living and put you in a better position that you may not have expected.

51. Dream of trees covered with snow

If you dream of trees covered with snow, it is a bad omen. It represents a trap in real life where you may fall and feel confined and stuck. You won’t be able to move forward.

The dream means that you are trying to revisit your ugly past and it’s obstructing your path towards success. Dreams of this type may mean failures that were emotionally overwhelming.

52. Dream of brushing snow off by hand

This dream represents your current problems, hardships, failures are all due to lack of insight, negligence, and effort.

You have not paid close attention to the problems of waking life and thus it turned out to be worse. The dream symbolizes many small issues that are entangled and you may not know how to overcome them.

53. Seeing someone standing in snow

When you dream of someone standing in snow, such a dream symbolizes a malicious and suspicious person in your life who may harm you in many different ways.

The person may feel the same for you also. Thus this dream theme represents disagreements and fights. It also indicates lack of proper judgement and labelling someone as bad, when things are untrue in reality.

54. Dreaming of a snow covered backyard

When you dream of a snow covered backyard, it means a bad omen. It means death, severe illness in the family.

You may lose a close family member and thus it signifies cold emotions, frigidity, numbness, grief, and despair.

55. Dream about a city covered with snow

When you dream of a city covered with snow, it means that some family members of yours will face challenges and hardships in real life.

You may either extend your help or put a blind eye towards it. The dream signifies callousness and lack of emotional support in waking life.

Biblical meaning of snow in dreams

In the Bible, snow in dreams symbolizes peace, purification, cleansing of old habits and toxic emotions, frigidity and lack of flexibility. It also means that you are a pure and holy soul.

In Christianity, it is believed that water in all its forms symbolize knowledge, intuition, wisdom, and deeper emotions.

When you dream of snow melting and the water is descending from a higher to lower plane, it signifies transmission and wisdom from heaven to the Earth. The snow fall from the sky signifies wisdom and knowledge being showered on people.

In the Bible snowy dreams also mean isolation, solitude, hidden secrets etc. Sometimes the harsh winter with snowy landscape signifies life’s struggles that will be hard to bear.

The dreams about snow indicate that life’s journey will be hard and one needs to be patient and resilient to overcome all adversities. 

Snow in dreams signifies desolation, death and then a new beginning that brings purification leading to inner peace and harmony.

Spiritual meaning of snow in dreams

Spiritually, dreaming of snow represents peace and serenity that pervades all around you. The dream also symbolizes a new beginning of life and letting go of bad experiences, to transform into a new being.

Besides, these dreams are a symbol of cold and frigid emotions, internal conflicts that call for a spiritual cleansing.

The dream reminds us to let go of the past issues that causes a lot of inner wear and tear and needs to be resolved to live a balanced life.

As the dream reflects frozen emotions, it denotes your inability to express emotions freely. Snow in dreams also means the flexible nature of the dreamer. 

The freezing of water into snow and vice versa indicates the flexible nature of the dreamer. Some spiritual theories claim that dreaming of snow signifies ageing, growing older and even death.

Dreaming of snowfall means that you are going to have a change in life that will lead to renewal, cleansing, and spiritual awakening. 

Your problems of waking life will soon wither away paving a way towards growth. Nothing can hold you back now and you are ready to face all hurdles that may come on your way.

Islamic meaning of dreaming about snow

In Islam, snow in dreams symbolizes monetary gain and financial stability. If snow and fire both seem to co-exist in a dream, it means love, sex, passion, and lust. Seeing snow during winter months indicates washing away one’s difficulties easily. 

In Islam, the melting of snow symbolizes end of life struggles. It means a divine blessing, mercy, calmness, and pure living. If someone sees a hailstorm or frosting in dreams, it indicates grief, punishment for sin.

Dreaming of snow – A psychological perspective

In dream symbolism, snow represents emotional unrest, passivity, isolation and your inability to express yourself with clarity and understanding. It signifies an emotionally restless state that stops your ability to think rationally. 

Psychologically, dreaming of snow indicates that you need to unfreeze your blocked emotions and help them express freely. 

The dream reminds you to open up and express whatever you want to; without fear and inhibitions. This can make you feel secure and confident to deal with hardships and struggles in trying times.

Snow dream meaning – the good and the ugly

Dreaming of snow can have varied interpretations depending upon the season you see in the dream, your waking life issues and the several associated feelings related with the dream theme.

In most cases, your snowy dreams may make you feel halted, frozen and distant for the time being; but you will eventually come out of it; when the right time sets in. Snow dreams mean both good and bad in the dream dictionary.

The good side of dreams about snow are:

  • Flexibility
  • Renewal
  • Transformation
  • Purity
  • Charm
  • Innocence
  • Prepared to face hardships and challenges
  • Patience and perseverance

The downside of such dreams are:

  • Lack of momentum
  • Delay in goal accomplishment
  • Emotionally distant
  • Hidden emotions
  • Frigidity and isolation
  • Long term illness
  • Lack of romance; as feelings appear cold and superficial
  • Unhappiness
  • Harsh environment full of hardships
  • Feelings of being rejected
  • Frustration and anguish

Questions to ask yourself if you are dreaming of snow

If you are having recurring dreams about snow, it’s time to ask yourself certain questions so as to analyze and interpret the dream’s meaning in an appropriate way.

  • How did you feel after you saw snowy dreams?
  • Did you dream of snow falling on you?
  • What was the weather like in your dream? Was it a fall or summer?
  • Was the snow clear or dirty?
  • Have you ever dreamt of a snow capped mountain?
  • What were you doing with the snow in your dream?
  • Can you relate the dream theme with the events of your waking life?
  • Have you ever tried walking over the snowy landscape?
  • Describe your overall dream experience? 

The video link given below describes the detail symbolism of dreams about snow

Wrap Up

Dreams about snow are common and can be related to our daily life; but they are never understood fully.

Whether dreams mean anything real or they are mind musings and random thoughts of the unconscious mind that pops up as night time visions is still an enigma to be solved.

After all, we need to trust the process and embrace that whatever happens in the unconscious realm can’t be untrue. The dream symbols of snow are deeper revelations of serenity and good times coming ahead.

If you get dream of swimming pool then check its meaning here.

If you get dreams orchid then check its meaning here.